Pretty much new in boxHi-Gain 15 dBi2.4 Ghz Corner Antenna
10/1/2006 5:59:41 PM
bttt for someone who needs a signal booster
10/1/2006 10:57:03 PM
so like if i get this thing can i steal internet from further away?how easy is it to install?
10/1/2006 11:03:19 PM
^lol, its for an SMA connection, so if your wireless card has an SMA connection you can use it. It would be as easy as unscrewing the current plug and plugging this sucker in.Its says 15dBi, but I don't know how much would transfer over to your connection strength.
10/1/2006 11:28:35 PM
i have a dlink g122 usb network adapterdoes that have an sma connection?
10/2/2006 3:01:49 AM
i wish i coulda seen this a month ago; my new apt is so small i dont need it though
10/2/2006 3:52:18 AM
bttt,^^nope, I don't think so from looking at a pic on ebay
10/4/2006 10:09:39 PM
i am just curious, not trying to be a jackass, but why do you call it a Hi-Gain antenna....15dB isn't that great for a 2.4GHz antenna these days.
10/5/2006 2:11:59 AM
Its what the box says , I just copied the front of the box
10/5/2006 8:26:37 AM
10/5/2006 12:09:21 PM
high bid is 15, pending pickup
10/5/2006 12:26:14 PM