HP micro ATX case Genuine AMD Athlon 3200+ 2.0GHz 1GB pc3200 RAM 120GB HDD ATI TV Card ATI 9800 Pro 128 AGP 8xDVD-ROMNo lowballs of tree fiddy will be replied to. Cash, MO, Payal, or Possible trade(PM me about those).
9/24/2006 11:14:18 AM
Will you take tree fiddy?
9/24/2006 11:39:17 AM
And we're supposted to figure out what it's all worth? ...How about a hint at what you're looking for?
9/24/2006 1:02:08 PM
9/24/2006 1:22:29 PM
selling these items seperate, so make some offers. Ill take 150 for the mobo proc combo ^
9/24/2006 1:27:00 PM
$20 for the 9800
9/24/2006 2:51:13 PM
what color is the faceplate on the DVD-ROM? is the HDD IDE or SATA, and what RPM speed is the drive.
9/24/2006 4:02:38 PM
is the hd sata and the ram is ddr correct
9/24/2006 4:43:02 PM
hdd is ide 7200, ram is ddr (somethings I shouldnt have to say, but w/e)dvd-rom is white/beige.$20 isnt enuf, keep it coming
9/24/2006 6:10:31 PM