I am selling a laminated kitchen table and 4 chairs. the table is round and approximately 4.5' in diameter. The table also includes an 18" with an add-a-leaf that turns it into an oval. the table has 4 matching chairs that are on rollers. the chairs have vinyl backing which allows for easy cleaning. Pictures will be available tomorrow.Asking price is $50, but feel free to make me an offer I will consider taking anything reasonable. I can deliver the table one night for an extra amount. If you have a truck/SUV and can take delivery yourself, I will help you load and unload them. I will not be back online until tomorrow night, as I am currently waiting on getting the internet installed at my new place.
9/17/2006 1:28:04 PM
i would be interested to seeing pics
9/18/2006 11:27:29 PM
pics please
9/19/2006 1:20:14 AM
9/20/2006 8:19:41 PM
9/21/2006 7:41:15 AM
bttt. I will be available to deliver them on Sunday or next weekend.
9/21/2006 8:29:14 PM
9/22/2006 10:09:33 AM
bttt. I'm willing to go as low as $20 on them just to get rid of them.
9/22/2006 6:18:28 PM
the 70's calledthey want their table and chairs back
9/22/2006 6:25:45 PM
bttt. someone come pick it up for free.
9/30/2006 10:03:46 AM