I remember a thread on this quite some time ago. anyone have any ideas/suggestions about how I should go about doing this? My laptop 'top' (back of LCD) is scratched pretty badly and I have been entertaining the idea painting it and giving it a nice reflective gloss/clear coat. discuss
9/9/2006 2:51:43 AM
If you do it, do it right. The paint is going to wear very quickly unless you use an automotive clearcoat on it.Sand it well, use a good plastic auto primer, follow the instructions for application for whatever paint you choose, put on a good clearcoat and wax and buff it. You'll have to was and polish it just like a car to keep the shine, so keep that in mind.
9/9/2006 3:04:29 AM
can you recommend any brands? have you done this yourself?
9/9/2006 3:14:09 AM
yea i did it three years ago on my laptop at the time.It turned out well, but the wear and tear made the bottom look like crap after about a year. I think if you just do the top it should hold up great (the top of mine still looks like the day it was painted).I sanded it with 220grit to rough the surface, used an automotive prime spraypaint from autozone, and then 5 coats of spray enamel, 4 coats of clear coat, and then turtle wax.
9/9/2006 1:21:17 PM
Learn what wet sanding is for and you'll do fine.
9/9/2006 4:00:10 PM
how will wet sanding help me? sand the top with a damp piece of 220 grit sand paper?
9/9/2006 4:28:24 PM
i guess you'd have to worry about dust
9/9/2006 4:59:36 PM