Looking to rent either one of these games for an hour or so. Willing to pay $5 and pick up. Can leave a collateral of some kind.
9/8/2006 4:14:16 PM
is that how long it takes you to copy the game?
9/8/2006 8:36:13 PM
cant u rent it from blockbuster for 5 bucks?
9/8/2006 10:58:49 PM
Sold out at the couple I have been checking due to people with gamepass keeping them for weeks.
9/9/2006 2:35:53 AM
9/9/2006 7:37:00 PM
bttt$8 each
9/11/2006 2:15:19 PM
illegal copier
9/11/2006 2:47:47 PM