trying to build a laptop cooling pad without spending a lot.on top of that, any suggestions on a AC power source?
9/4/2006 7:26:27 PM
the old computer fans can be wired directly to A/C power. I daisy chained a few back in the day for a homebrew heat exchanger - worked quite nicely. New ones, not sure.
9/5/2006 12:04:28 AM
i thought they ran off of 12v DC?or is that the new ones...
9/5/2006 12:15:49 AM
Current computer fans run off 12VDC, you're right. I'm not sure when computer fans ran off AC, that doesn't sound quite right to me since the power supply of a computer only gives you DC voltages. Even the fan in the power supply runs off DC voltage. I have a ton of DC fans of all different sizes if you're serious about this. PM me your info.
9/5/2006 7:22:17 AM