I work for a Law Firm in Raleigh that is hiring for part time help. What's the easiest way to tell students about the job online? It's 8am to 1pm with some flexibility.
8/29/2006 1:10:47 PM
this will suffice
8/29/2006 1:13:33 PM
Sounds interesting. Can you PM me some more info?
8/29/2006 1:18:35 PM
i would do the job on only tuesdays and thursdays from about 8-12:30 if that'd be oki doubt they are that flexable though
8/29/2006 1:23:03 PM
I should have done some job like that during college to build my resume some, then maybe I would have been able to find a job quicker after graduating. Luckily after 4 months of down time I started a full time job yesterday. Being a philosophy major and all who studied some legal stuff (but with philosophy not being all that vocational) I expected a basic administrative assistant job to be my first job.http://thewolfweb.com/message_topic.aspx?topic=429234Maybe the person who made the thread here, or the general audience she was trying to get through to, would be interested in this job.
8/29/2006 2:11:32 PM
don't cross post
8/29/2006 2:58:48 PM