ApostleNC All American 3862 Posts user info edit post |
I'd like to know why he got suspended. I see a bit of a double standard. Recently we have had many people engage in personal attacks on Cee-Jay, and they go unnoticed. Yet when he says something about someone, he gets suspended. Isn't this the land of free speech? Doesn't everyone have the right to state there opinions on stuff? Even if you don't like what they are saying at least respect what they have to say. 4/4/2002 12:37:19 PM
roguewolf All American 9069 Posts user info edit post |
I will fight for your right to free speech, but i dont have to respect anything you say. Sref had it coming for a while, when all you pst is racial banter for a living, the people with diginity and real respect, are gonna get you.
and it seems like they did. 4/4/2002 12:40:44 PM
ApostleNC All American 3862 Posts user info edit post |
OK, but this is a double standard! Shouldn't the folks that bitched at Cee-Jay for a while be subject to censorship as well? 4/4/2002 12:41:56 PM
Kev4Pack All American 25272 Posts user info edit post |
Private Website
[Edited on April 4, 2002 at 12:42 PM. Reason : foo] 4/4/2002 12:42:05 PM
Nighthawk All American 19640 Posts user info edit post |
He has done a lot of stuff like this, but never made a personal attack of a thread like this. 4/4/2002 12:42:42 PM
Fermat All American 47007 Posts user info edit post |
he got suspended? FINALY!? Weird. 4/4/2002 12:43:14 PM
ApostleNC All American 3862 Posts user info edit post |
Many people have threatened him directly in the past as well. Why haven't they been subject to this shit? Another example of the wolf web's double standard! 4/4/2002 12:43:54 PM
roguewolf All American 9069 Posts user info edit post |
it may well be, i do not remember the Cee-Jay thing. But as the honoarable Kev4Pack stated, it is a private website.
and its only a double standard if they do the SAME thing.
[Edited on April 4, 2002 at 12:44 PM. Reason : mre] 4/4/2002 12:44:13 PM
Fermat All American 47007 Posts user info edit post |
If anything he has been given an abnormaly long stay of suspension. here is my tear for him----> '
[Edited on April 4, 2002 at 12:47 PM. Reason : f] 4/4/2002 12:47:35 PM
culstuf99 All American 2859 Posts user info edit post |
ref told them they were niggers.....they told ref he was a redneck cracker....ref said they were ignorant...they said he was ignorant....ref showed proof of this....they showed nothing but grammar errors because thats all they could find proof wise...
sounds like a double standard to me...... 4/4/2002 12:48:26 PM
roguewolf All American 9069 Posts user info edit post |
perhaps he was asking for it, by starting only racial fights and inflaming hate he has desreved it. and i somehow doubt no one can prove his ignorance. 4/4/2002 12:52:43 PM
Maugan All American 18178 Posts user info edit post |
Use of the wolfweb is a priviledge, NOT A RIGHT.
If you wish to employ your right of free speech, there are street corners all over the place. Go find a box, get on top of it, and start yapping away. 4/4/2002 12:55:35 PM
Fermat All American 47007 Posts user info edit post |

4/4/2002 12:56:07 PM
Nighthawk All American 19640 Posts user info edit post |
What the fuck ever. I don't here any black/indian guys in here starting, "Fuck the Whitey" threads.
In comparison, the people didn't start those threads about Cee-Jay. Somebody would post the pictures and then people talked shit. They weren't threads started for talking shit about Cee-Jay. Ref obviously started this to talk shit about Lumberton and Dijital, not for simple conversation. So go fuck yourself Apostle and Culstuf. Ref makes me sick, and gives white guys down here a bad fucking name. I don't mind as much when he was making general comments that could be discussed. But this was simply inflammatory. So fuck it, good riddance. 4/4/2002 12:56:38 PM
tl All American 8430 Posts user info edit post |
So what if there is a double standard? Too fucking bad.
(I don't know the circumstances behind the suspension, and I really don't care, but this is CrazyJ and Joe's website --> they can do whateverthefuck they want with it.) 4/4/2002 1:01:24 PM
slmncsu All American 1315 Posts user info edit post |
i second that! 4/4/2002 1:07:01 PM
Jess All American 1158 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I don't mind as much when he was making general comments that could be discussed. But this was simply inflammatory. So fuck it, good riddance." |
I feel the same way. I thought some of the links or info that he provided was interesting and I agreed with some of it to a point, but the shit he has been posting lately has been mindless dribble. 4/4/2002 1:12:09 PM
JackDan7 All American 547 Posts user info edit post |
screw nchsref! I dont really give a damn if it is a "double standard", he just promoted hate and idiocracy....plus the moderators can suspend anyone they please, it doesnt have to be fair.
[Edited on April 4, 2002 at 1:37 PM. Reason : ] 4/4/2002 1:36:24 PM
sober46an3 All American 47925 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "(I don't know the circumstances behind the suspension, and I really don't care, but this is CrazyJ and Joe's website --> they can do whateverthefuck they want with it.)" |
amen.....until u run your own message board, dont bitch about the way others run theirs. if u dont like the way they run TWW, then simply dont use it. its not that hard. 4/4/2002 1:38:30 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ hahah it's not that hard
 4/4/2002 1:39:24 PM
quacko All American 850 Posts user info edit post |
idiocracy????  4/4/2002 1:45:18 PM
JackDan7 All American 547 Posts user info edit post |
yeah! idiocracy: (slang) the state of being an idiot 
[Edited on April 4, 2002 at 1:50 PM. Reason : ] 4/4/2002 1:46:02 PM
Beardawg61 Trauma Specialist 15492 Posts user info edit post |
Hey, I consider myself to be pretty conservative, but the mindless bullshit that he and his kind propogate give the rest of us a bad name. 4/4/2002 1:47:02 PM
Toledosteal All American 5536 Posts user info edit post |
not to mention the people that cracked on cee-jay did in an isolated circumstance...it didn't matter what the topic was for sref to throw in a 'god damned hippie liberal bullshit nigger loving faggit asshole' comment... 4/4/2002 2:20:05 PM
Mangy Wolf All American 2006 Posts user info edit post |
Ref's pretty liberal himself except on issues besides race. Don't get "embarrassed" over his posts, he doesn't represent you any more than you do him. Hope the suspension isn't permanent... 4/4/2002 2:29:01 PM
CrazyJ The Boss 2453 Posts user info edit post |
nah, the suspension isn't permanent, but if he comes back i'm not gonna tolerate the all of the same kinda bullshit that he has been spewing over the last few months. 4/4/2002 3:17:37 PM
roguewolf All American 9069 Posts user info edit post |
the law has been laid.... 4/4/2002 4:49:57 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |

4/4/2002 6:10:41 PM
ApostleNC All American 3862 Posts user info edit post |
So just because I support the guy's right to state his opinions on various issues that means I am a bad guy? For those of you that stated your opinions and made good sense of it, I respect what you have to say. For those who curse and disrespect me, FUCK YOU!!! 4/4/2002 6:25:33 PM
VolcomWolf All American 6659 Posts user info edit post |
im glad he got suspended!! THANK YOU MODS!!!!!!! nothing but ignorant babble and racist hate remarks came out of his mouth. fuck his opinion, he takes it way beyond that to the point of severe offensiveness. HE GOT WHAT HE DESERVED. THANKS JOE AND CRAZYJ!  4/4/2002 7:59:09 PM
InsaneMan All American 22802 Posts user info edit post |
Racial insults are no worse than "fat cocksucker", and that wont get you suspended. Double standard. 4/4/2002 8:52:18 PM
Maverick All American 11175 Posts user info edit post |
I think it was an extent thing...he flamed more people than those that flamed CJ, and he also generated many more complaints. He didn't really add anything to the board, and for that, he got suspended. If he turns people off to this board (And racial insults are a huge turnoff compared to what happened with CJ), then the mods should be able to suspend him because he's just bad for business. End of story.
[Edited on April 4, 2002 at 9:01 PM. Reason : .] 4/4/2002 9:00:42 PM
culstuf99 All American 2859 Posts user info edit post |
for all of u who said that since this is J&J's board and they can do whatever they want on it and it dosnet matter about a double standard....i would just like to say......
that would make crazy j and joe and the rest of the moderators closeminded..........sorry but it would....... 4/4/2002 9:13:08 PM
Kev4Pack All American 25272 Posts user info edit post |
Grand Wizard 4/4/2002 9:35:19 PM
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62551 Posts user info edit post |
he is still yet to post, however 4/4/2002 10:32:22 PM
Grand Wizard Terminated 25 Posts user info edit post |
So you've been waiting for me? No, I'm not nchsref. I have been watching this shit all day and have found that I need to come in and take up his cause of putting niggers, spics, and others in there place. nchsref is nothing but a victim of the hippies that have taken over this board. He deserved to get his thoughts heard by everyone. 4/4/2002 11:30:35 PM
Dijital All American 9042 Posts user info edit post |
shut the fuck up. we know it's you. 4/4/2002 11:35:03 PM
Grand Wizard Terminated 25 Posts user info edit post |
Fuck you, you don't know me 4/4/2002 11:37:52 PM
Dijital All American 9042 Posts user info edit post |
yes i do. you're nchsref. you're not even smart enough to change the way you type and spell to try and cover it up. 4/4/2002 11:39:11 PM
culstuf99 All American 2859 Posts user info edit post |
ref wouldnt have put an ' in his donts 4/4/2002 11:55:37 PM
Mangy Wolf All American 2006 Posts user info edit post |
It's not ref, though I thought it was at first. 4/5/2002 1:43:31 AM
VolcomWolf All American 6659 Posts user info edit post |
yeah thats definitely nchsref, nice name, that wouldnt have anything to do with the KKK, would it?............. like I said......... MORON! 4/5/2002 3:48:01 AM
FuhCtious All American 11955 Posts user info edit post |
i thought it was his EverQuest or D&D name. 4/5/2002 4:59:29 AM
Maverick All American 11175 Posts user info edit post |
Official story, pretty much sums up why he was suspended.
And it's not that I have any real sympathy for him...he knew what he was doing, and he found out that the mods can and will suspend him. He tested them, and he found out his limits. Wow, real tragic character...
[Edited on April 5, 2002 at 6:17 AM. Reason : .] 4/5/2002 6:17:24 AM
PackMan2003 All American 2193 Posts user info edit post |
I'm so happy to know that this asshole won't be posting again. Now if only culstuf could be suspended... 4/5/2002 8:47:04 PM
Toledosteal All American 5536 Posts user info edit post |
![]() 4/5/2002 9:18:02 PM