HUR All American 17732 Posts user info edit post |
i need a little help w/ my ECE 301 hwk.
M=16 (samples taken)
S[m]= impulse(m-1)+ impulse(m-15). Find S[k]
i used the formula Summation: Impulse(m-1) *e^(-j2(pi)*k*(n/M)) where n is the offset 1 and 15.
therefore getting S[k]= e^(-j2(pi)*k*(1/16))+ e^(-j2(pi)*k*(15/16)) . Did i do this correctly??
I always have trouble figuring out how to transform offset impules in the t domain into F or S domain and vice versa. 7/23/2006 11:35:56 PM
cornbread All American 2809 Posts user info edit post |
I hope this shit ain't on the PE! 7/24/2006 6:35:08 AM
virga All American 2019 Posts user info edit post |
you're kidding right?
that's about one of the easiest DFT questions you can get..
think two exponentials w/ complementary frequencies = cosine
[Edited on July 24, 2006 at 6:28 PM. Reason : esp] 7/24/2006 6:27:25 PM
HUR All American 17732 Posts user info edit post |
i thought for it to be cosine u need an equal impulse on opposite sides of the frequency spectrum. one being negative the other positive. 7/24/2006 9:51:37 PM
loudRyan All American 594 Posts user info edit post |
Remember a negative angle is equivalent to some positive angle and vice versa. So if you had e^(-j(1/4)pi) + e^(-j(7/4)pi), you can say e^(-j(7/4)pi) = e^(j(1/4)pi), then you have it in the right form to convert to a cosine. 7/24/2006 10:02:39 PM
BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
i don't remember any of this  7/26/2006 12:32:38 AM