to help me move a heavy couch out of my apt. and into the trash, sooner the better. and I will pay ya. let me know. thanks
7/20/2006 10:21:23 AM
When and where? Does the couch have a fold out bed? What floor do you live on?
7/20/2006 10:25:29 AM
Sooner the better, today would be awesome, its on a 3rd floor does have a fold out bed, but will remove the mattress.
7/20/2006 10:27:04 AM
I can do it any time this evening. I get off work around 5 or so. 336-402-0815 . Let me know if you've found another guy, if not, I may be able to get a friend to help.
7/20/2006 12:12:40 PM