APARTMENT FOR RENT!!!1 bedroom/1 bath room for rent in a 4 bedroom apartment at Gorman Crossing. The best part about this place is everything is included for $340, and I mean everything: rent, electricity, water, trash, parking, BROADBAND INTERNET, DIGITAL CABLE. $340/mo! The place is right on the wolfline so you'll never have to pay for parking on campus. The complex houses a college community and it's a nice quite place to live. For more information, contact Steve Rausch at scrausch@ncsu.eduThe leasing period starts August 1st. I'LL PAY THE $300 SECURITY DEPOSIT.
7/11/2006 6:51:33 PM
I forgot to mention that a washer and dryer is included.
7/11/2006 8:00:09 PM
That sounds like a good deal . . . pm'ed you.
7/12/2006 11:27:47 AM
7/12/2006 6:27:25 PM
This place is real nice. I almost moved in with them because it's such a great value, but since I'll be traveling with work so much I just moved back with the parents. if you look at it like this$340- (Digital cable ~ $50, Highspeed internet ~$30, utilities ~$25+)you're only paying like $235 a month for a nice place. that's cheaper than lake park, and it's not ghetto like lake park.
7/14/2006 2:50:07 PM
Hey...is it still available?
7/15/2006 12:45:52 AM
to my knowledge, check with El Guapo
7/15/2006 10:14:42 AM
there are no 4 bedrooms at gorman crossings. ??? and he's not cutting you much of a deal.. I dont ever pay that much for my share of rent and utilities. maybe he's gotten the name of his apartment complex wrong... no $300 deposit either.. its $250.
7/15/2006 5:09:02 PM
maybe you should learn what the fuck you're talking about before you try to shit on someone's thread. I've been there, seen all 4 bedrooms and witnessed the man paying his deposit. Perhaps.. over time, the landlords decided $250 wasn't enough..MAYBE? Also consider you may not have the same lifestyle as others, ie: 4 guys who enjoy their technology, have high wattage stereos, high wattage computer power supplies, etc? god damn uppity n00bs
7/15/2006 11:41:52 PM
7/15/2006 11:49:43 PM
7/17/2006 2:18:26 AM
7/17/2006 4:46:44 PM
7/18/2006 9:22:29 AM
7/19/2006 6:11:44 PM
don't make me go through all of em folks
7/20/2006 9:49:04 AM
people backin out
7/29/2006 3:11:59 AM