Just wondering if anyone has a spool or box of CAT5 laying around that I could get about 70' from (don't need the ends, I can crimp 'em myself). Would be willing to pay with cookout milkshake, beer, or cash. Please name your asking price when you post below and hopefully I can pick it up sometime tomorrow (Wednesday).Thanks!
6/13/2006 10:20:50 PM
data and telephone voice supply, its near the fairgrounds
6/13/2006 10:27:14 PM
^what he said. their in the industrial complex behind Burke Brothers Hardware beside the fairgrounds.
6/13/2006 10:35:35 PM
thanks for the tip guys, I got it there for $4.85 w/tax, not a bad deal at all!
6/14/2006 4:01:25 PM
yeah that place is dirt cheap
6/14/2006 4:23:01 PM
wow, i payed like 10 to tnezami for 53 feet, but he delivered
6/14/2006 5:16:45 PM