I know theres probably a topic on this already, but I just got this game. Everyone with a decent p.c needs to buy this game and fucking play it, it puts battlefield 2 core to shammmmmmme. All the maps are fucking better, real maps with greater challenges and more infantry focused with vechicle backup, what the game should be.Theres no reason not to buy this addition.
6/13/2006 2:18:52 PM
yeah except its still the samethe only reason you like it is because of no planes.
6/13/2006 2:36:16 PM
The same how? Planes are flying targets, now, so no biggie there. The new maps are different and give a tactical perspective to the game beside climbing (fighting over and shooting the pilot with a m95) in a jet and shooting the hell out of anything on land.
6/13/2006 3:17:34 PM
the only reason not to buy the expansion is the fact that there are very little servers that run the SF maps. majority of them run the core maps and that's it because that's what the majority of players have.
6/13/2006 4:38:31 PM