Maverick All American 11175 Posts user info edit post |
Are you guys finding the jobs you want? Are they fairly decent for a college grad? 4/26/2006 7:45:21 PM
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62551 Posts user info edit post |
im compeletely satisfied with my job, it pays better than i had expected to get right out the gate, its, fun, and fairly easy, and i get free benefits, and they dont really cost that much for my daughter 4/26/2006 7:46:54 PM
KartRaceKid All American 2937 Posts user info edit post |
I'm satisfied with where I am. I did an internship this semester and I will graduate in May. I already have a job a month before I graduate, getting paid decent money with free benefits for me and family (when I have one). Not much vacation time though, but its all good. 4/27/2006 11:56:23 AM
abonorio All American 9344 Posts user info edit post |
Happy with mine. I'm 23 and in my second professional job. Spent a year at an engineering firm in KC. Moved back to Raleigh to work for Duke University Medical Center making $6,000 more.
I'm satisfied. 4/27/2006 12:57:17 PM
PvtJoker All American 15000 Posts user info edit post |
I've applied for about 30 jobs, to no avail.
I still manage a pizza kitchen.
On a side note, I know real nimrods getting similar jobs that I have applied for.
They're all girls.
AIN'T LIFE GRAND 4/27/2006 10:52:35 PM
Lowjack All American 10491 Posts user info edit post |
^affirmative action. People complaining about blacks, when women are really the biggest beneficiaries 4/27/2006 10:54:18 PM
PvtJoker All American 15000 Posts user info edit post |
I've said this for a looooong time. 4/27/2006 11:26:29 PM
RattlerRyan All American 8660 Posts user info edit post |
I know my roommate isn't. 4/28/2006 12:29:29 AM
Supplanter supple anteater 21831 Posts user info edit post |
i'm graduating in a couple of weeks & have applied to about 20 jobs, 1 i really want, & several that i'd be alright with. i'll post when i see whether any of these work out, or whether i end up in retail or fast food  4/28/2006 9:05:35 AM
SpiralStairs Veteran 396 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "women are really the biggest beneficiaries" |
For fucking real 4/28/2006 10:06:29 AM
spaced guy All American 7834 Posts user info edit post |
my field has pretty high demand right now (landscape architecture). i recently quit my first job after about a year. i didn't have another job lined up yet...but i just couldn't put up with my boss anymore. the very next day i got a call from a firm where i had sent a resume. then they connected me to another firm who was looking for someone, and i'm already working again, without hardly looking at all. and it's a really laid back place. so i guess i'd have to say yes. 4/28/2006 5:33:59 PM
MajrShorty All American 2812 Posts user info edit post |
i'm moving abroad so i've had to turn down interview requests and all that jazz
i'll tell you in 6 months time how my job is  4/28/2006 7:33:38 PM
WorldofJay All American 871 Posts user info edit post |
I couldn't get my foot in the door off the bat, had to go through the "friends of the family" route to land an opening. Fine now, but it seemed like companies laughed at me when I said I was a recent graduate...
5/1/2006 10:18:52 PM
Lowjack All American 10491 Posts user info edit post |
Actually, connections are how most people get jobs. 5/1/2006 10:28:42 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
I haven't gotten any calls or any hits on any of the resumes I've sent out in the last 6 months.
It's getting really depressing, but I still need to get a good engineering job. 5/2/2006 1:24:46 AM
Lowjack All American 10491 Posts user info edit post |
^you'd figure that with all the people's cars that you have fixed, you'd have a connection in there somewhere. 5/2/2006 1:32:04 AM
roddy All American 25834 Posts user info edit post |
i am satisfied with my job, disaster work, temp, but pays good when the OT is in there..make enough in 6 months to go on unemployment for the next 6 months....May 19th will be 10 months i have been living in hotels, for disaster work. When i get released(pray no hurricane hits early) i plan on going to the beach for 3 weeks and doing nothing. I pay my own health care but making sooooooooooo much $$$$$ in a short period of time and then is nice. 
I started two years ago with Ivan(was in the mountains of NC) and was released for 3 months, then called back in July for Dennis and been going strong since.
I have made this time out about 50k, with per diem included
[Edited on May 2, 2006 at 2:57 AM. Reason : w] 5/2/2006 2:55:38 AM
ssjamind All American 30102 Posts user info edit post | 5/10/2006 10:40:20 AM
VorpalRath All American 4119 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "my field has pretty high demand right now (landscape architecture). " |
same with architecture. i got several offers after graduation because everyone seems to be looking for graduates with autocad and photoshop knowledge.
i am currently very satisfied with my drafting job in an office two blocks from the beach. 5/10/2006 11:36:43 AM
Queti All American 13537 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Are you guys finding the jobs you want? Are they fairly decent for a college grad?" |
yep. in my industry, you can quit your job and have a new one in about 2 days at a substantial increase in pay. engineer's market!  5/10/2006 12:36:56 PM
esgargs Suspended 97470 Posts user info edit post |
not true, Queti. You say this only because you have experience, and are in the oil industry. 5/10/2006 1:15:04 PM
PvtJoker All American 15000 Posts user info edit post |
and she's a woman. 5/10/2006 1:20:54 PM
esgargs Suspended 97470 Posts user info edit post |
affirmative action is inherently biased, 5/10/2006 3:22:36 PM
OmarBadu zidik 25083 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "not true, Queti. You say this only because you have experience, and are in the oil industry." |
she qualified what she said by saying "in my industry" 5/10/2006 3:52:21 PM
30thAnnZ Suspended 31803 Posts user info edit post |
in my industry, you can quit your job and be destitute in about 2 days at a susbstantial decrease in pay. unemployment!  5/10/2006 4:38:14 PM
Queti All American 13537 Posts user info edit post |
gargs and pvtjoker, plz refer to omarbadu's response.
my statement applies for any chemical engineer in the petro industry, new grad or experienced. as of today's market, pretty much any [decent] che can fly down to houston, new orleans, etc and find a job at above average pay in a matter of a couple of days. of course he/shemust be willing to live in the petro regions of the country and work long hours.  5/10/2006 4:54:41 PM
PvtJoker All American 15000 Posts user info edit post |
Oh I'm sure you're quite qualified for the job
but if there were a dude equally, or 5% more qualified, you'd get the edge
not your fault, do your thing 5/10/2006 5:04:05 PM
Wintermute All American 1171 Posts user info edit post |
I graduate in the fall and in the last few weeks two people have offered me postdoc jobs. Have to say that makes me feel pretty good! 5/12/2006 12:20:46 AM
Fermat All American 47007 Posts user info edit post |
I can't get hired to save my motherfucking life I'd jump on the bandwagon with "well you're not looking hard enough duh lol", and God knows I'm certainly willing and able to beat myself up, but this shit is refuckingdiculous I've pretty much given up applying to "real" jobs (jobs that i might be able to stomach) so far 163 SEPARATE applications w/resume' submissions to 65 possible employers*
All I have to show for it: I did get a walk in interview with a fencing company, the guy actually said "We..uh..we really only hire mexicans for this kind of stuff.. less paperwork" and Target was kind enough mail me a "Sorry but we cannot offer you a job at this time" postcard the three times i applied there.
I swear I WILL start robbing people if this keeps up
[Edited on May 24, 2006 at 6:24 PM. Reason : *not counting Monster/*] 5/24/2006 6:23:27 PM
NCSUWolfy All American 12966 Posts user info edit post |
i found a job, i'm happy with it and the salary rocks
but i do have to move at least 5 times in the next 8 years, but the plus side to that is i dont have to pack a single box, i get paid extra when i move and i get non vacation days off to unpack
a lot of people aren't willing to do that, especially in the triangle area. most people want to stay there and they get upset when an awesome job with fairly decent wages isn't available 5/24/2006 10:39:36 PM
ssjamind All American 30102 Posts user info edit post |
^ no shit
life in the triangle is like opium for the masses 5/25/2006 10:45:54 AM
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
Fermat what's your major and what kind of job are you looking for? 5/25/2006 11:05:53 AM
Gamecat All American 17913 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Are you guys finding the jobs you want? Are they fairly decent for a college grad?" |
Yes, and yes. The pay takes a while to get to a desirable level, but that's the nature of career compensation in the industry I'm in. 5/26/2006 4:18:46 PM
David0603 All American 12764 Posts user info edit post |
Yes and Yes.
Spent 2 months after graduation as an intern, then another 8 months as a contractor, but got hired on full time 2 months ago making about 20% more. 5/30/2006 7:21:33 PM
Pi Master All American 18151 Posts user info edit post |
I'm still looking. Been applying to jobs for a few weeks now, and haven't heard back from any of them yet. 5/30/2006 7:55:20 PM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
i have been at my job for a little over a year and a half i like the industry just dont like the company small company with big goals and those are attainable but not with the current leadership and that would be the owner
i am going to put myself on the market here shortly, i have been interviewing some and almost landed a very tough, but highly paid came down to me and an older man with more experience
i just turned down an interview offer today with some company call Archangel Promotions anyone heard of this company..they have a shitty website 5/30/2006 8:09:55 PM
coolguy1335 All American 3006 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i just turned down an interview offer today with some company call Archangel Promotions anyone heard of this company..they have a shitty website" |
I would have too.. they seem like CK & Assoc.. or "some other "Entry Level Marketing Positions Available!" Company that you see plastered all over and, etc...
They ALWAYS seem to be hiring... multiple positions...hmmm. 5/31/2006 11:57:53 AM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
I got a full-time job offer a full year before I graduated, the pay was great and the place I hadta locate to suited me just fine, so I took it. I got the offer since I did well during my 8 months of interning w/ them.
So yes, I found a very satisfactory job and the pay is about 15% more than I would've expected straight out of college. I hope it goes up over the years, obviously, and I hope my actual position changes as well.
But for coming straight out, it's fabulous. But just as a disclaimer, the stuff I'm doing isn't super-duper exciting and I don't "look forward" to going to work (I still haven't figured out how that's possible outside of professional sports) but it pays well and thus I can't complain.
[Edited on May 31, 2006 at 4:44 PM. Reason : .] 5/31/2006 4:44:12 PM
roddy All American 25834 Posts user info edit post |
my first job was management, hated it, last 6 months. The next job was just luck, it is temp but i have been going strong for 18 months(disaster work) Lots of OT...i just applied for a permanent position but i doubt I will get it, but who knows...... 6/9/2006 9:56:28 PM
ncsutiger All American 3443 Posts user info edit post |
There's not a lot around this area in wildlife management/biology without having higher than a bachelor's, so I'm pretty darn satisfied with my wildlife pest control/management job I'm starting next week. I feel very fortunate. Husband's working in Raleigh = need to stay in area for a few yrs. 7/2/2006 6:25:50 PM
bartleby All American 15561 Posts user info edit post |
I'd just be happy to go on an interview that didn't end up being for some pyramid-scheme, Amway-esque company. 7/2/2006 6:36:41 PM
David0603 All American 12764 Posts user info edit post |
I hear vector is hiring. 7/4/2006 1:06:38 AM
Maverick All American 11175 Posts user info edit post |
Hahah, that was going to be my next comment. 7/4/2006 1:08:10 PM
Beckers All American 6428 Posts user info edit post |
mine's ok.. i'm not exactly doing want i want but for a first job it's ok... 7/4/2006 1:25:14 PM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
nabbed a CTA II slot at Duke University 7/14/2006 11:10:22 PM
Shivan Bird Football time 11094 Posts user info edit post |
I've had a job with a professor since December that turned into a staff position when I graduated. Good thing too, since most statistics jobs require a masters or 3+ years experience. 7/15/2006 12:33:03 AM
Supplanter supple anteater 21831 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i'll post when i see whether any of these work out" |
I started in animal science, but graduated with a BA in philosophy in the spring. I got a job as a receptionist at a vet clinic. I've worked at a vet’s office before in high school cage cleaning, dog walking, & the like, so this job will be nicer. It should build my resume incase I want to try for a staff position on campus at UNC later (which would be nice for tuition purposes for taking extra classes) or maybe its something I'll stick with long term. But I start on Monday, and am looking forward to my first full time job. 8/26/2006 10:23:34 PM