remember to wear sleeves when you TIGstupid sunburnt forearms and elbow insides.
4/19/2006 9:36:28 AM
hahaha. i figured you'd know this by now.
4/19/2006 9:57:29 AM
you are a big pussy.If you stick weld, then you get the sunburn AND the slag burns.
4/19/2006 10:07:14 AM
i know this. just didnt think about it yesterday. damn weather warmed up on me and i was welding in short sleeves.
4/19/2006 12:21:20 PM
you're not having fun until you do it in shorts and slag drops in your boot
4/19/2006 2:38:26 PM
(obligatory picture)
4/20/2006 9:53:40 PM
molotov cocktail?
4/21/2006 8:01:25 AM
^^I liek how the battery is still hooked upi on the truck too
4/21/2006 11:35:17 AM
yeah, and so was the computer. who cares.
4/21/2006 12:18:09 PM
yer truck rollin yet?
4/21/2006 12:37:16 PM
haha, i welded for a while one time with no shirt on...i got sunburned like a mad dog
4/21/2006 12:46:20 PM
good thing i have enough nigga in me not to burn, say what about bread and bologna?
4/23/2006 9:57:11 AM
hoooray for burns before 10 AM on sunday morningw00t
4/23/2006 10:00:38 AM
best burn i ever had was running the air lines on my new truck, had just driven it 140 miles, rolled uinder it on a creeper, reached out to grab the driveshaft to pull myself under there, and grabbed the xhaust pipe by mistake. my whole palm blistered up and peeled off for about two weeks.
4/23/2006 3:26:31 PM
tig,mig,stick... plasma cutter it doesn't matter if its hot enough to melt metal it'll give you a sunburnwell.... i don't know a bout a torch
4/23/2006 4:28:00 PM