eraser All American 6733 Posts user info edit post |
Surprised there is no (serious) thread for this yet.
Anyway, update in the case:
Quote : | "(04/05/06 - DURHAM) - Hours after an exotic dancer was allegedly raped by members of the Duke University lacrosse team, a player apparently sent an e-mail saying he wanted to invite more strippers to his dorm room, kill them and skin them. It was not clear whether the message was serious or a joke." |
Oops. 4/5/2006 4:45:18 PM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "It was not clear whether the message was serious or a joke" |
Are you fucking kidding me? 4/5/2006 4:49:41 PM
stone All American 6003 Posts user info edit post |
what a goon, that statement will haunt him forever. fucking punk ass lacrosse bitches. pressler is a punk for bailing on the team today. i wonder if got asked to leave?
[Edited on April 5, 2006 at 4:59 PM. Reason : ] 4/5/2006 4:51:41 PM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |

4/5/2006 4:53:18 PM
umbrellaman All American 10892 Posts user info edit post |
She wouldn't have been raped had she simply kept her legs lacrossed.
[prepares for the onslaught of booing for both being tasteless and for telling a really corny joke]
[Edited on April 5, 2006 at 5:05 PM. Reason : okay, my reading comprehension sucks] 4/5/2006 5:04:09 PM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
^ I support said statement. 4/5/2006 5:12:48 PM
rudeboy All American 3049 Posts user info edit post |
^^A++++++ would LOL again 4/5/2006 5:40:25 PM
bigTHEW All American 7330 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Surprised there is no (serious) thread for this yet." |
This is a serious thread on the matter 4/5/2006 5:48:15 PM
coolguy1335 All American 3006 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Less than an hour after a stripper said she was gang-raped by Duke lacrosse players, a lacrosse team member allegedly said in an e-mail that he planned to kill strippers the following night in his dorm building. " | -Durham Herald
The Durham Herald is completely retarded. Anyone who reads the following email sent from the Lacross player should be able to read it as not actually killing or murdering someone, so much as stupid New Jersey guy talk.
Quote : | "The e-mail allegedly sent by player Ryan McFadyen, said (the typographical errors are in the e-mail):
"To whom it may concern
"tommrow night, after tonights show, ive decided to have some strippers over to edens 2c. all are welcome.. however there will be no nudity. I plan on killing the bitches as soon as the walk in and proceding to cut their skin off..." " |
In my Judgement no one --- <1% of the population would invite people to come to a party that involve killing someone IN A DORMROOM- let alone actually admit to killing someone. Granted, the Duke guy looks like a douche, I'd have to assume he's smarter than advertising murder. The Durham Herald is absolutely retarded for coming to that assumption.
now, I don't know what Jersey speak is for "killing the bitches as soon as they walk in and proceding to cut their skin off"... 4/5/2006 6:12:09 PM
stone All American 6003 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "" |
read a few pages 4/5/2006 9:31:03 PM
KeB All American 9828 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "a player apparently sent an e-mail saying he wanted to invite more strippers to his dorm room, kill them and skin them. It was not clear whether the message was serious or a joke." |
it's sad that someone that is so fucking stupid actually got accepted to Duke. Whether it is a joke or not, he should know that even things you type on the internet may be viewed and believed as true. 4/6/2006 12:50:15 AM
markgoal All American 15996 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "In my Judgement no one --- <1% of the population would invite people to come to a party that involve killing someone IN A DORMROOM- let alone actually admit to killing someone. Granted, the Duke guy looks like a douche, I'd have to assume he's smarter than advertising murder. The Durham Herald is absolutely retarded for coming to that assumption. " |
So less than 1% of the population has murder parties. That's comforting. 4/6/2006 1:03:39 AM
superchevy All American 20874 Posts user info edit post |
see, this just helps support my theory that the two most racist groups are: rich people and poor people. usually, people in the middle have some sense. 4/6/2006 1:17:49 AM
ballinlb All American 1412 Posts user info edit post |
his statement is followed by "while cumming in my duke issued spandex" so im pretty sure he was joking 4/6/2006 1:22:27 AM
ShortnSlim All American 784 Posts user info edit post |
i'm pretty sure this thread is not the first, nor the first serious, thread on this matter 4/6/2006 1:46:16 AM
moron All American 34517 Posts user info edit post |
Threatening to "cut a bitches skin off" even if the bitch is a stripper is a really screwed up thing to say. I wouldn't even expect many TWWers to say something like that, let alone a Duke Lacrosse player. 4/6/2006 2:11:56 AM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "im gonna invite some bitches over so we can kill them and cut their skin off" |
it is not clear whether the above message is serious or a joke.
Quote : | "im gonna invite some bitches over so we can kill them and cut their skin off " |
the presence of the smiley icon indicates taht the above message is a joke.
...therefore, the Durham Herald was acting properly in their non-biased report on the email. 4/6/2006 2:22:28 AM
bobbo613 Veteran 113 Posts user info edit post |
People are making such a big deal out of this. It was a joke. He sent it to other guys on the team. Why the hell would he think that anyone else would read it and therefore why do you think he would care what was said. (Now if there was actually a was pretty stupid because he ought to know that shit would get out) 4/6/2006 2:30:44 AM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41759 Posts user info edit post |
His lawyer won the article. 4/6/2006 2:56:46 AM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
^^ bobbo, do you have to work hard at being so stupid, or is it congenital? 4/6/2006 3:28:18 AM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
i would hate to see what happened if everything that I said to my friends in a joking manner was taken seriously. 4/6/2006 3:32:51 AM
TKEshultz All American 7327 Posts user info edit post |
lets just wait for the DNA results to come out
innocent until proven guilty, remember that? 4/6/2006 3:36:22 AM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
the subject of criminal investigation for violent rape against a dancer -- with a real possiblility of city-wide race riots -- is found out to have recently fired off an email suggesting he'd like to kill and mutilate some dancers.
.... and the durham herald is retarded... how?
[Edited on April 6, 2006 at 3:48 AM. Reason : thanks argreek] 4/6/2006 3:37:58 AM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |
the email was sent only a few hours after the alleged raping occured
[Edited on April 6, 2006 at 3:42 AM. Reason : ] 4/6/2006 3:41:47 AM
TKEshultz All American 7327 Posts user info edit post |
im playing devils advocate here, say these guys are innocent, the media has tarnished their reputations
and that is bullshit
[Edited on April 6, 2006 at 3:48 AM. Reason : asdf] 4/6/2006 3:47:47 AM
JonHGuth Suspended 39171 Posts user info edit post |
well they are white and rich, so of course they did it 4/6/2006 7:44:37 AM
spro All American 4329 Posts user info edit post |
^^ haha, you are really playing 'Devils's' advocate
oh man, i've got jokes 4/6/2006 10:25:52 AM
coolguy1335 All American 3006 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | ""Emergency 911 tapes revealed that on the night of the alleged incident March 13, a black woman tearfully reported that a man came out of 610 N. Buchanan Blvd. as she and a friend passed by and shouted a racial slur at them. WARNING: The following transcript of the call contains offensive language.
12:53 A.M.
TELECOMMUNICATOR: Durham 911, where's your emergency?
CALLER: Hi, I don't know if this is an emergency or not, necessarily, but I'm in Durham, and I was driving down near Duke's campus, and it's me and my black girlfriend, and the guy -- there's like a white guy by the Duke wall -- and he just hollered out "nigger," to me. And I'm just so angry I didn't know who to call. (Crying).
I don't know if this is an emergency. They're just hanging out by the wall on Buchanan [Boulevard].
CALLER: It's right outside of 610 Buchanan [Blvd]. And I saw them all come out of, like, a big frat house, and me and my black girlfriend are walking by, and they called us "niggers." (Sobbing).
So I don't know what's gonna happen. I'm not gonna press the issue, I guess. But I live in a neighborhood where they wrote KKK on the side of a white station wagon, and that's near right where I'm at, you know what I mean. And they didn't harm me in any way, but I just feel so completely offended, I can't even believe it.
I thought, you know what I'm saying, times have changed, and I don't even know what's going on.
It's right in front of 610 Buchanan. I saw them coming out of this frat house. 610 North Buchanan. ...
So, I'm not going to press the issue, but, whatever, however Durham city feels about racial slurs and stuff, however you guys want to handle it, you can handle it however you do. I'm not hurt in any way, OK."" |
and I'm sorry..but I REALLY don't trust this phone call based on this conversation. 4/6/2006 11:37:17 PM
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26812 Posts user info edit post | 4/6/2006 11:39:22 PM
Prawn Star All American 7643 Posts user info edit post |
^^reporters drove by and said that the address is not visible anywhere from the street. Nothing on the door, mailbox or house. Yet she repeated that address 3 times and can't make up her mind about whether she was driving by or walking. 4/7/2006 12:13:30 AM
coolguy1335 All American 3006 Posts user info edit post |
yeah its all a bunch of lies.
[Edited on April 7, 2006 at 12:31 AM. Reason : d] 4/7/2006 12:21:16 AM
Perlith All American 7620 Posts user info edit post |
Question: How did most of this go public? 4/7/2006 5:19:37 AM
ZeroDegrez All American 3897 Posts user info edit post |
evidence is open to the public isnt it? 4/7/2006 7:00:47 AM
marshmandan New Recruit 36 Posts user info edit post |
Only after the cops release it.
That call pretty much confirms somthing I have suspected for a while. Either she got mad at them for calling her a nigger or even worse maybe she gave'em a little lovin and they wouldn't pay for the service. 4/7/2006 8:10:42 AM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
that 911 phone call is about as damning to the prosecution as you can get
[Edited on April 7, 2006 at 9:36 AM. Reason : .] 4/7/2006 9:36:31 AM
duro982 All American 3088 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "^^reporters drove by and said that the address is not visible anywhere from the street. Nothing on the door, mailbox or house. Yet she repeated that address 3 times and can't make up her mind about whether she was driving by or walking." |
no address posted, yet i bet mail gets dilvered. Hmm... how does the mailman do it
Quote : | "That call pretty much confirms somthing I have suspected for a while. Either she got mad at them for calling her a nigger or even worse maybe she gave'em a little lovin and they wouldn't pay for the service." |
How does that call confirm this? are you joking? where does it say that the girl who made this phone call is the same girl that is claiming she was raped?
[Edited on April 7, 2006 at 2:51 PM. Reason : .] 4/7/2006 2:50:19 PM
coolguy1335 All American 3006 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "how does the mailman do it " |
Well, I'm sure previous houses on the route that they travel everyday have addresses and they are in a numerical pattern that coincides with acending or decending numbers. I'm sure he can figure it out.
I doubt that the girls driving by or walking by did the research to say "allright... well if thats 608 buchanan and we're heading up in numbers, this must be 610"
[Edited on April 7, 2006 at 3:13 PM. Reason : n] 4/7/2006 3:12:10 PM
Republican18 All American 16575 Posts user info edit post |
lacross is a sport for pussies anyways 4/7/2006 4:09:13 PM
duro982 All American 3088 Posts user info edit post |
^^ that's not research, it's just a simple observation... a 7yr old could it... my point was that just b/c there weren't numbers on the house doesn't mean they couldn't have figured it out (very easily at that) 4/7/2006 4:57:57 PM
JennMc All American 3989 Posts user info edit post |
the 911 call was fishy because the police responded within 2 minutes and no one was at the house.
It was also fishy because the caller blocked their phone number for the cell phone.
It was also fishy because the caller has not come forward and surely would have heard about the incidents. Her story would help the victim. She was mad enough to call 911 about racial slurs, but can't come forward when she has a chance to collaborate a story and a time line. How can you be calm enough to get the correct house number that is not posted, but mess up the story three times about what happened (first they were driving, then they were walking....)?
I think it was the second stripper that made the call, since she denied knowing the victim at all and originally claimed to have found her walking down a road and had no idea what had happened or who the girl was. Granted, the strippers did not know each other before the night, but an eye witness puts the girls arriving and leaving together. Also, the two strippers did not get to kroger down the road until 1:22, half an hour after the police been to the empty house. They drove directly past a well marked police substation to get to Kroger.
None of that necessary means the assault did not occur. The media and DA should have waited till they could give the public something more concrete or figure out the entire storyline.
Quote : | " Cheshire said witnesses have talked to the woman and a comparison of audio tapes proves the caller was the second dancer at the party, but Durham police say they do not know who called" |
Be interesting to see if that is correct/pans out
[Edited on April 7, 2006 at 5:32 PM. Reason : k] 4/7/2006 5:27:23 PM
marshmandan New Recruit 36 Posts user info edit post |
Your right it doesn't say that the person who made that call was the accused, but the speach pattern is shitty (maybe this person is just ignorant and doesn't know how to speak well). I hope that most people aren't dumb enough to call 911 after, if it was just for being called a name, something that miniscule. 4/7/2006 7:41:30 PM
JennMc All American 3989 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on April 7, 2006 at 8:43 PM. Reason : too much school work]
4/7/2006 8:36:39 PM
salsta415 New Recruit 34 Posts user info edit post |
I am not trying to discredit this woman who claims that she was raped, but I would just like to know the ENTIRE incedent that occurred between these three guys and the stripper. A woman CAN be a stripper and be the victim of rape; being a stripper doesn't make you a whore. However, every member of this team's reputation has been undeniably tarnished, and that is unfair. 4/8/2006 2:34:56 AM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "but I would just like to know the ENTIRE incedent that occurred between these three guys and the stripper." |
tell the Durham PD they should release all preliminary evidence in the current criminal investigation.
Quote : | "However, every member of this team's reputation has been undeniably tarnished, and that is unfair. " |
once the guilty people are charged, the rest of the team members will fade back into obscurity.
just as long as they dont put "member of the 2006 lacrosse team" on their resumes, they'll get on with the rest of their lives just fine. 4/8/2006 2:41:42 AM
evilbob All American 4807 Posts user info edit post |
we don't want to sully the images of THE GUYS THROWING THE SEX PARTY 4/8/2006 2:43:00 AM
salsta415 New Recruit 34 Posts user info edit post |
^^I concur.
[Edited on April 8, 2006 at 2:47 AM. Reason : ^^] 4/8/2006 2:43:21 AM
ballinlb All American 1412 Posts user info edit post |
I feel sorry for the people who werent involved but were on the team and had their season cancelled...they were the number 1 ranked team at one point this season...also i think once the ones are found guilty, everyone who is found innocent should get to continue their season 4/8/2006 3:28:37 AM
Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post |

reminds me of the movie VERY BAD THINGS. in it they actually kill a stripper b!tch. luckily number 41's plan never manifested itself.
these guys are guilty by sheer stupidity alone. in the prescence of stippers you have to be gentlemen like.
4/8/2006 5:20:14 AM
underPSI tillerman 14088 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "in the prescence of stippers you have to be gentlemen like." |
i hope you're your (sorry guth, i forgot.) fucking joking. 4/8/2006 11:15:16 PM
nutsmackr All American 46641 Posts user info edit post |
JennMc: for someone who wants to be a lawyer, you have very shitty grammar.
anyway, if hankipanky didn't go down at the party, why did the lacrosse team try to label themselves as members of the track team and baseball team when the dancers arrived? Why did they order the stripper under a fake name? I have no doubt in my mind that the lacrosse boys did the raping. now it is just a matter of time until it all comes out. 4/8/2006 11:26:38 PM