Confederate States of America....watched it tonite at the Galaxy, anyone else watch it yet?It's a "mockumentary" that answers the question, "what would america be like if the south had won the civil war"I thought it was pretty entertaining. Decent movie, gets you thinking.I don't think I'd buy it or anything, but worth checking out.
4/5/2006 2:43:44 AM
It was pretty good. Some of the commercials were classic.
4/5/2006 4:14:02 AM
dang i didn't know this was playing at the madstoneSPOOKYJON WHY AREN'T YOU KEEPING US UPDATED
4/5/2006 9:48:10 AM
Eh, I don't shill for every movie we ever get.Maybe I should.This one has had a very positive reception audience-wise, but the two staff members that saw it didn't like it. I haven't seen it.Next week we're getting Sorry, Haters (WORST. TITLE. EVER.) and A Good Woman (Scarlett Johansson = I'm watching it).
4/5/2006 12:07:51 PM
spookyjon, do you by any chance know if that theater will still be playing "Why We Fight" next week.... If so, I'll be watching it.any feedback from that movie?
4/5/2006 1:12:17 PM
when does fucking thank you for smoking hit raleighi gots ta see that shit
4/5/2006 1:24:36 PM
i am not sure, but take my word,you will laugh your ass off
4/5/2006 1:28:19 PM
Here's our clock for next week (Friday-Thursday)A Good Woman - 2:05, 4:20, 7:05, 9:15CSA: The Confederate States of America - 2:10, 4:10, 7:10, 9:20; No 7:10 or 9:20 show WednesdayCrash - 2:00, 9:35Sorry, Haters - 1:55, 7:15; No 7:15 show WednesdayThe World's Fastest Indian - 4:25, 7:00....and then some Indian movies. It's really slim pickings at the moment, and it's gonna be that way for another couple of weeks. Oh, and we have a free advance screening of American Gun on Wednesday, but that's just for members.
4/5/2006 1:32:13 PM
i guess that means i gotta watch it tonite. THANK YOU DVR (Lost)Some site said the last showing is at 7:15Ohh, and Thank You for Smoking in Raleigh APRIL 7TH (Rialto)
4/5/2006 2:42:15 PM
Thank you for smoking!Shit! I just realized it will also be playing at Xroads!Funniest movie i've seen since last summer
4/5/2006 2:44:03 PM
i heard about the csa movie on npr... not sure if it'll be entertaining enough to watch.what if questions don't really haunt me.
4/5/2006 2:44:42 PM
I really want to watch this - hopefully i'll have time before it leaves the theater.Why are you playing Crash? B/c it won Best Picture? Seems to be an odd one for Galaxy to play.
4/12/2006 11:12:10 AM
Because everything else is performing like shit. The Chelsea played it until this week, and they're now playing Nine Lives, which has also been out on DVD for quite some time. A shitload of new good stuff is coming out on Friday, though. CSA ends Thursday.
4/12/2006 11:26:33 AM
nm, CSA is still playing next week.
4/12/2006 5:33:01 PM