Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post |
i just applied for the IT job of my dreams and I think the interview went well also. i'm worried about the background check and credit check.
what all goes into it and how severe do they look at credit trouble, etc . . . 3/31/2006 10:07:42 PM
UJustWait84 All American 25825 Posts user info edit post |
you aint gettin that job, B 3/31/2006 10:10:31 PM
LiusClues New Recruit 13824 Posts user info edit post |
if you're that worried, you're fucked. 3/31/2006 10:39:51 PM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
reminds me of a job interview i had at NSCU senior year with some Naval Warfare Systems Laboratory. they just kind of mentioned in passing about how id have to get a full FBI background check to apply for Top Secret Clearance.
i totally fixated on that, and asked a lot of questions about how this background check works, and what all is involved.
i think i musta looked worried. they declined to offer a second interview.
which was totally cool with me. i didnt want to work for no weapon systems lab, no-how, i was just desparate to find a job on graduation, and was signing up for every BSEE interview possible. now i work in R&D building equipment that studies global warming, and i can sleep well at night.
anyhow... like someone already said, if youre worried about background checks/credit refs, then you might as well forget about it. any job looking for IT needs totally trusted personnel, and you can be sure they can find anything and everything in your records. 4/1/2006 1:42:07 AM
MarkE08 All American 563 Posts user info edit post |
fbi background checks are way different than private company background checks. it all depends on how much money they are willing to put into it. so i wouldn't be terribly concerned unless you are going to be in an extremely sensitive position. also, they can will probably seek an explanation for any odd things they find before making any real judgement.
[Edited on April 1, 2006 at 1:48 AM. Reason : ] 4/1/2006 1:47:54 AM
E30turbo Suspended 1520 Posts user info edit post |
out of all organizations, i would think the FBI/CIA would have the most tolerence for infractions into their code (at least drug wise, before entering said organization) I mean, they have to know whats REALLY going on so they probably give a shit less about pot if your not doing it anymore and would be willing to forgive other experiemental drug intertactions as if anything it shows a curious mind.
wishful thinking? 4/1/2006 3:46:26 AM
Lowjack All American 10491 Posts user info edit post |
The care more about whether you're able to spell on a college level^
A drug problem that you no longer have is not going to affect anything, ever. 4/1/2006 3:58:19 AM
SkiSalomon All American 4264 Posts user info edit post |
^ and ^^ I think that you are both off, specifically with regard to the FBI. For their Special Agents and many other clearance positions, they are probably the most strict on prior drug use of any govt agency. 4/1/2006 4:31:04 AM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, no shit. i love when people (^^) say stupid shit like "oh the FBI doesnt care if you used to use drugs"...
get one drug conviction, or even alcohol conviction. then go try and join the FBI, CIA, or Secret Service. or even work for a defense contractor on projects requiring Top Secret clearance.
aint gonna happen.
Hell, they go all the way back to your freaking Kindegarten teachers, and interview friends neighbors you had when you were 6 years old.
if youre an ex-stoner, or youve ever had a dui, if youve been in a pornographic movie, if youve ever engaged in prostitution, if you've ever been associated with an anti-government protest group.... then you're out. no questions asked. youre a security risk.
i know this is true: I've had a secret clearance, it was a thourogh investigation, but nothing like teh full FBI investigation for Top Secret. i know, cuz i got denied for a top secret, and couldnt advance to a postion when i was in the military. i worked with people who had top secret clearances. and my cousin is a secret service agent, who guards ambassadors and dignitaries.
that said, the poster who interviews for IT department is not goign to be subjected to this sort of check. they are going to get your credit report from 1 or more credit reporting agencies, adn they are going to check the criminal records of every location that they know you lived in, based on application and criminal check. theyll also run your name through Google and MySpace to see if you got anything weird on the .net
[Edited on April 1, 2006 at 5:47 AM. Reason : ] 4/1/2006 5:42:41 AM
Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post |
called the HR chick and she said the interview went well and everything is fine. she said said she has to get signatures for approvals and that should be it.
the background / credit check i asked her about it and told her my concerns. she said as long as I'm working in finance i shouldn't worry about past credit problems.
this job may be a GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4/3/2006 12:04:10 PM
Perlith All American 7620 Posts user info edit post |
I've never understood the point of credit checks for employment myself. I'll claim ignorance when asking this: How does your credit affect job performance? 4/3/2006 1:16:28 PM
EmptyFriend All American 3686 Posts user info edit post |
if you have bad credit, you might get desperate for money and be more likely to steal from the company. or in the case of government employment: sell secrets. 4/3/2006 1:29:12 PM
FanatiK All American 4248 Posts user info edit post |
also, I would venture that there is a relationship between credit rating and an individual's sense of responsibility. In most cases. 4/3/2006 2:22:59 PM
Maverick All American 11175 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on April 3, 2006 at 3:01 PM. Reason : They said it already]
4/3/2006 2:59:17 PM
Perlith All American 7620 Posts user info edit post |
^^ That makes a bit of sense. I'll look for studies that correlate the two. The stealing thing I'm not so sure of ... isn't that what references and the criminal background check is for?
Anyways, gg Amsterdam. Keep us updated. 4/3/2006 3:40:54 PM
Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post |
okay. the HR chick called again. turns out everyone is out of state. approval to get hired depends on getting signatures from higher ups apparently. she did say that the people that interviewed me are "very interested" so hopefully everything works out.
- 4/3/2006 5:40:00 PM
JonHGuth Suspended 39171 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "or even work for a defense contractor on projects requiring Top Secret clearance." |
i was actually told by a defense contractor that they dont care if you smoked pot when you were young, you just got to admit to it (they might feel differently about an actual conviction though). they dont want anything anyone can leverage against you.
and actually i also know someone who has told the truth about their drug use and still got clearance
[Edited on April 3, 2006 at 5:47 PM. Reason : .] 4/3/2006 5:46:39 PM
Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post |
cross your fingers tdub. i may be employed with an actual cool company. if I do get the job. i may do something kewl like spend $5 bucks on an alias. 4/3/2006 7:46:06 PM
QTPie All American 7496 Posts user info edit post |
We check credit and background for every single employee, even part timers.....
How picky? Well, typically someone with horrid credit doesn't exhude the most positive image of responsibility... However, I'm also aware the everyone is entitled to mistakes, and that is taken into account. As for background... In my business, it depends on if the charge is something such as underage drinking, or more serious such as theft. Both, understandably, came with the proper punishment at the time.... however, when you're gong to be trusted with something in our area of work, a criminal background will never work strongly in your favor. When in doubt, we always ask for explanations giving the benefit of the doubt. As long as you haven't done something really nuts, you should be OK. If you have, honestly usually will help you redeem yourself.
Either way, it depends on the level of security and confidentiality envolved in the job as to how picky that company may be.
Hope that helps! 4/3/2006 8:42:51 PM
Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post |
thanks QT. hopefully this pans out and I get the signatures I need to get the offer letter to me. my current job has been like an incarceration term. 4/4/2006 2:30:58 AM
Lowjack All American 10491 Posts user info edit post |
I know several people with secret and top secret clearances who put down drug use at an early age. It's not a disqualifier, and young age mitigates it a lot. 4/4/2006 2:51:58 AM
Maverick All American 11175 Posts user info edit post |
Keep in mind--it depends on the circumstances.
Smoking marijuana once in your teens is a bit different than repeated hard drug use in your 20s.
[Edited on April 4, 2006 at 5:39 AM. Reason : .] 4/4/2006 5:39:37 AM
Doss2k All American 18474 Posts user info edit post |
yeah ive always wondered how my credit has anything to do with how well I will work, hell if I dont have great credit that means I NEED to work for cash, therefore will be showing up to work every day and doing a good job, maybe they should hire people with not so perfect credit. I mean I guess if you have like never paid bills or something that might look bad. Id hate to think that if I was late on a few bills because of some unexpected expenses and things of that nature that it would affect me from getting a job. 4/4/2006 8:36:53 AM
ZiP All American 18939 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Hell, they go all the way back to your freaking Kindegarten teachers, and interview friends neighbors you had when you were 6 years old." |
i was a primary reference for a friend that needed security clearance to work at the pentagon, and they never contacted me. but he works there now.
-ZiP!- 4/4/2006 9:27:20 AM
Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "turns out everyone is out of state. approval to get hired depends on getting signatures from higher ups apparently. she did say that the people that interviewed me are "very interested" so hopefully everything works out. " |
damn . . . it's taking too long. I NEED AN OFFER LETTER SO I CAN GIVE THESE DICKBAGS MY NOTICE. 4/4/2006 10:24:00 AM
Spike All American 2249 Posts user info edit post |
I was curious of the credit check as well. I have a spotless background but my credit is kinda shitty. Just didn't know how much this might play into it even if I'm a good candidate. 4/4/2006 1:38:48 PM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i was actually told by a defense contractor that they dont care if you smoked pot when you were young, you just got to admit to it (they might feel differently about an actual conviction though). they dont want anything anyone can leverage against you. " |
if you admit to (or are found out as) having been pot smoker, you wont get a Top Secret clearance. You can get Secret if it was in the past, and you dont have anything else. most defense contractors have the bulk of their work requiring Secret clearances. 4/6/2006 2:11:43 AM