little backstory first. Friend of mine spilled water on her laptop about 3 weeks ago. Did the shutdown and let it dry for about a week. Started it up 2 weeks ago and its been doing ok but acting a bit quirky. And today it finally rebooted itself and came up to the windows encoutered a fatal error, would you like to boot in safe mode dos screen, except there were about two dozen misspellings in the message.Damnest thing I've seen. Im figuring the HD is shot and that was its final FU to the world. But I figured I would post to see if it could mean anything else.Thanks
3/30/2006 9:57:58 PM
do you mean words spelled incorrectly (but understandably), or corrupted text?
3/30/2006 10:02:36 PM
I have seen "bad grammar" Internet Explorer errors.I remember it being something like: "The resource cannot be opened because cannot be found." I will try to get a screenshot if I happen upon it again.
3/30/2006 10:03:52 PM
it was like a 5th grader wrote the error message. But it was the normal black fatal error safe mode screen.the option Safe Mode was spelled: Saef Mood
3/30/2006 10:05:08 PM
well that's odd but it doesn't indicate a shot HDunless it's a really really really ridiculous coincidence.
3/30/2006 10:12:56 PM
My first thought would be virus.
3/30/2006 10:16:22 PM
well it hasnt started up since. Im waiting on a part to come in to attach the laptop HD to my tower and see if I can pull off the files.
3/30/2006 10:16:51 PM
There's got to be a link out there somewhere for this ...
3/31/2006 6:39:38 AM
Aha, this is just part of the outsourcing backlash. We get a lot of these on IOS as well due to Indian developers with poor english.I came across this one yesterday:"%SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module 6: Inline Power Module- PS volatage bad: Module needs troubleshooting or TAC assistance"
3/31/2006 9:00:08 AM