It is a Fulmer full helmet. I paid over $100, asking $75 cause it's never been in a wreck. The paint on top is chipped in two places.
3/29/2006 6:11:43 PM
You might want to post which model helmet... because most Fulmers are only DOT approved... and if yours is one that is also SNELL approved it is worth more. Also, you need to post a size... and color would probably aid in your sale. What type of shell does the helmet have? (Most of these things could be answered by just a model) Lastly, just because it hasn't been in a wreck doesn't mean its protection hasn't been damaged. How old is the helmet? How did the paint get chipped? If the paint was chipped through being dropped, the protection of the helmet could have already been compromised. Just trying to help... you might try listing on as well. People list helmets there under the motorcycle section quite frequently. Not sure if they have any success, but it's worth a try.
3/29/2006 10:46:41 PM
can i get a pic?
3/29/2006 11:08:04 PM
Perhaps you should mention size.... Cause It would be neat if there was a one size fits all helmet...
3/29/2006 11:42:45 PM
hey jbaz perhaps you should be not a fag????????
3/30/2006 3:02:34 AM
^use some grammar please
3/30/2006 3:27:08 AM
Thanks for all the advice guys, I'll do what I can now to clear up details.I know off hand that it is DOT certified and I'm pretty sure that it isn't SNELL, but I'll check. It is black, and I bought it new about nine months ago.I'll check on the size and model and a pic. Thanks for checking this post and for the helpful tips.
3/30/2006 3:59:54 PM
lol wtf
3/30/2006 7:40:28 PM
It's a small and the model is AFD4.
4/1/2006 9:16:02 PM
helmets that have been in wrecks are worth nothing.. ur supposed to get a new helmet if ur previous one took a hit.. well i didnt yet bwhaha
4/2/2006 7:27:27 PM
^ he specifically said the helmet hadn't been in a wreck... so that's not an issue here.
4/3/2006 12:34:00 AM
toyota you should trade him your r6 for your helmet... arnt the worth about the same?
4/3/2006 7:28:15 PM
toyota you should trade him your r6 for YOUR helmet..Get YOUR hemet back toyota
4/3/2006 7:45:03 PM