anybody had any of these TA's for mircro lab or would recommend any of em??? WeingartenXuelianWeerakoonEvansPeacockSchneeweis
3/24/2006 7:55:44 AM
that lab is easy. I don't think it matters who you have.
3/24/2006 11:59:17 AM
i had peacock.he was cool. he is a military guy. (not sure which service he is in)but he wasnt your typical military rip your head off. as long as you kept it cool in class you are good to go. and yeah, like ^ said. its not really the TA. the class was easy, and cool.
3/26/2006 11:47:23 AM
ya it doesnt really matter...most of the ta's are in grad school and are slack
3/27/2006 11:14:36 AM
just make sure you know how do to all the lab experiements for the lab practical at the end of the year and your straight
3/27/2006 11:15:03 AM
3/28/2006 11:18:32 PM