Anyone ever had Young or Braden for any level Psychology classes? How were they?
3/21/2006 11:53:31 AM
I had Young for psy-200. I didnt care for her at all. She made it seem that she was soo nice and sweet in class, but then made her tests with tons of vague questions. Wouldnt reccomend her.
3/21/2006 11:57:53 AM
i had young for psy-200. she's pretty damn annoying. all giddy and shit about stuff nobody cares about. and her stupid ass attendence policy.^ her tests didn't have any vague questions. in fact that class was very easy. i got an A+.
3/21/2006 12:13:32 PM
3/21/2006 2:56:56 PM
for 200, i would recommend nacoste if he's teaching it still
3/21/2006 5:16:58 PM