3/6/2006 8:38:02 AM
3/6/2006 8:38:34 AM
good read
3/6/2006 9:04:36 AM
nice. Now we just need a new commisioner that will help this guy instead of undermine him....
3/6/2006 9:07:54 AM
I said a while back that I respect Clougherty, since it seems like he's trying to set things right.
3/6/2006 9:36:41 AM
You can bash the refs afterwards, but prefventing it fomr happening is all that matters. The T on our assisstant coach for wiping up perspiration as more than 2 points for maryland, it was added momentum. Referees who do ACC games are awful, flat out. you're crazy if you think "working the officials" isn't a part oft he game from a coaching standpoint, all the good coahces do it, and all that are indifferent get trated accordingly by the officials.
3/6/2006 11:51:59 AM
Now we just need a new commisioner that will help this guy instead of undermine him....FIRE SWOFFORD!
3/6/2006 11:53:03 AM