wired.com articlenothing really earth-shattering but it was kind of interesting to draw the parallels and compare the societies as i had never stopped to think about itit's true - in london you absolutely can't go out along without feeling really weird. in nyc, it's cool to go out alone. in nc, it's definitely slightly awkward to go out alone. in japan it's normal to go out alone.it's really odd that we prefer being single yet we don't promote going out alone. yeah my ideas aren't coherent at 6am but i'm sure you can figure it out.thoughts?
2/28/2006 6:10:48 AM
I didn't really go out much in NC. I did movies by myself sometimes, though. Coffee, too. But I didn't like eating alone at all.In New York everyone is alone. You don't see tons of people walking along in groups, especially during the workday. I ate alone, went to museums alone, rode the subway alone, and never thought anything of it.California was the same way. There were people alone, and people in groups, but I never felt bad if I was by myself. It wasn't a big deal at all.
2/28/2006 9:51:05 AM
I've never felt awkward about venturing out alone. I hate waiting on other folks to coordinate their plans with mine or weigh the pros and cons of going.
2/28/2006 10:04:09 AM
^ seriously. it is nice to have ppl to go with, but if it needs to be done or i really wanna go, ill just go.
2/28/2006 10:57:29 AM
Yeah thats a big thing I notice here in NYC, that ppl are out all the time alone. Its kinda weird sometimes, but I guess thats just how it goes here based on the lifestyle.I've done a lot of stuff alone, even gone out to bars alone...although thats been to watch NCSU games, since my friends up here aren't NCSU or sports fans (fags).anyways...yeah
2/28/2006 1:24:46 PM
Guess I'll find out about wandering Japan alone pretty soon.
2/28/2006 3:13:36 PM
i'll never be your beast of burden
3/1/2006 12:34:31 AM
I walk to streets of Japanuntil I get lostCause it doesn't remind me of anything.
3/1/2006 7:12:41 AM