Is there a public place (eg. coffee shop) where you can just hang out and paint? I'm trying to do an artsy kind of date and am trying to think of a place we could go to do this? I mean a park would do but it's a little chilly outside these days. Any ideas?
2/20/2006 11:31:04 AM
What kind of painting are we talking a little 8" x 10" canvas, or something that requires an easle (sp?)? I've seen all kinds of people drawing and painting the local independent coffee shops like Cup-A-Joe, but their projects were always small, portable ones.
2/20/2006 11:35:03 AM
Yeah, I was thinking fairly small. 8 x 10 or maybe a smidge bigger but nothing ridiculous that would need an easle. I haven't been to cup a joe since i moved across town to us 70 end of glenwood but good to know they're still cool with that.
2/20/2006 11:54:26 AM
Yeah, I also haven't been in there in a while, but I can't imagine why they wouldn't be cool with it. I mean, after all, it's an independent coffee shop which is supposed to be an artist's haven.
2/20/2006 12:56:00 PM
Well, in Wilmngton, Myrtle Beach, and Atlanta they have actual "pottery playhouses" where you can have a cup of coffee and paint your piece of pottery. It's entirely plausible that Raleigh has a place like that and you could buy paint to use on your own piece.
2/20/2006 1:08:31 PM
^Amazing Glaze downtown Raleigh, City Market
2/20/2006 2:36:08 PM
Color Me Mine!
2/20/2006 2:38:15 PM