does anyone have a solutions manual or get me the answers to some problems i am having trouble with
2/12/2006 5:25:44 PM
jesus christdon't you realize that you're basically just doing PY205 all over againi bet you skip class a lotyou probably failed statics twice, didn't you?get out nowsave your parents some money
2/12/2006 5:44:18 PM
just so you know i got an A in statics and im on scholarships so there is no way im wasting anyones money , and i dont see anything wrong with checking a problem if you dont understand or get it , so the best thing for you to do is sit down booyah
2/12/2006 7:20:45 PM
f = maand its my money you're wastingbooyah
2/12/2006 10:22:44 PM