just got free tickets for monday the 13th - but it'll take 1hr - 1.5hrs in rush hour traffic to go - for people that have been to these are they worth it?
2/6/2006 5:36:04 PM
not really, sema maybe, detroit maybe, but id say from going to sema its not even something i'd do every year unless i had a business that i needed to do that for
2/6/2006 6:10:43 PM
yeah its worth it. I've been twice. It's the same as detroit and LA with all the new cars and whatnot. absolutely nothing like it in the south.
2/6/2006 10:33:31 PM
pictures are up in my gallery - those are from my camera phone - so the quality could be better - but they turned out pretty good - going to get some from my coworker that had his digicam out there later
2/14/2006 5:34:55 PM