my left tmj has been hurting for the past month or so whenever i clinch my teeth or chew anything. its kind of sporadic and has degrees of pain. should i see the dentist, oral surgeon, or maxillofacial doctor? its really starting to piss me off
1/17/2006 11:16:32 PM
Stop giving head.
1/17/2006 11:17:09 PM
do you still have your wisdom teeth. when mine started to come in a couple of years ago, i had a bit of pain when biting/chewing.
1/17/2006 11:17:51 PM
mine started in middle school when i got braces, i guess because it screwed with my bite. i went to a maxilofacial doctor. they may give you some sort of muscle relaxer for at night, and a bite guard kind of thing too.
1/17/2006 11:26:43 PM
no i had my wisdom teeth removed. i've got a dentist appt. next week so maybe i'll just ask them and save some money
1/17/2006 11:28:32 PM
1/17/2006 11:32:40 PM
my dentist gave me a nightguard and some muscle relaxers. i'd imagine the dentist would be easier to get an appt with (and cheaper), assuming you see one regularly. the nightguard works wonders if you can keep it in all night.
1/17/2006 11:35:51 PM