are now putting bright red tags up on the "party houses" of students. This will enable police to more effectively target the noisy, unruly, or troublesome houses. Or, target sutdents specifically, whichever. Not surprisingly, the students are against it. Just thought I'd post the link and hear what you all had to say.
1/13/2006 3:31:32 PM
Stupid cops.(Is is that hard to figure out which house is the problem house? You need giant post-it notes for them?)
1/13/2006 4:18:21 PM
not stupid, just lazy. Surely the computers in their patrol cars could do something along the lines of "remember the address/location of properties which have previously received a warning/notice.
1/13/2006 4:20:18 PM
1/13/2006 4:30:08 PM
Seems like a pretty fascist deterrent to me.
1/13/2006 7:16:21 PM
1/13/2006 7:33:47 PM
the best response to this is to have EVERY student residence put up a bright red tag on their property
1/13/2006 9:36:06 PM
^^^^ winner
1/13/2006 10:35:20 PM