So, my father-in-law has celiac. In other words, he is allergic to gluten and all gluten-containing foods. Basically, anything with bread or grains other than rice or corn he cannot eat. His wife also just died so I know he's not gonna get much good food for Christmas except when he comes to our house. So, for Christmas, I was going to make him some gluten-free candy. Does anyone know of any good websites to look at to find any good recipes for this? I googled it and didn't get anything that I really liked. Also, if anyone knows of any good recipes for dishes that I could include in Christmas dinner that would be good and gluten-free, I would appreciate it.
12/13/2005 10:20:37 PM
just tell him its gluten free and get you and your husband some inheritance
12/13/2005 10:32:03 PM
12/13/2005 10:34:11 PM
I think they actually sell some gluten free candies as well if you want to mix those in w/ the package. I am lost w/ regards to the name of it at this moment, but if I happen across it I will mention it.
12/13/2005 10:53:51 PM
whole foods has an assload of gluten-free products. take an hour or two in there and you'll find some very interesting foodstuffs.
12/13/2005 11:19:49 PM
12/14/2005 10:44:54 AM
dealing with celiac is not as hard as you would think at first glance.... whole foods has a whole section on it... and now a lot of harris teeters do too...all meat, grilled without breading is gluten free, potatoes are fine (butter/margerine is fine and so is Daisy sour cream), wine is fine, almost all veggies are ok, and if you need bread, there is gluten free bread... just dont give him any meats that have been cured (like deli meats or hams) and make sure the vegetables have not been preserved (like no bagged salads... they spray a preservative that has gluten in it on it)... just google celiac and you should find all the help you need including lists and recipes
12/14/2005 1:23:36 PM
Thanks! I'm definately gonna go check out whole foods the first chance I get!
12/14/2005 6:39:52 PM
i know a guy who has that disordera few years ago he also had to have his pancreas removed due to pancreatic cancer (amazingly, they caught it in time).so now he's also an insulin-dependant diabetic.i don't know how he eats anything.
12/14/2005 7:58:57 PM