NCSULilWolf All American 1707 Posts user info edit post |
Anyone taken it this way? Any pro's/con's for Dr. Davis? I want to take it online to fit it in with my schedule... but I've been burned by DE classes before. Her syllabus seems like she spells it out to a t for ya, but I just wanted to ask around. Thanks!  11/29/2005 11:29:58 PM
accountant Starting Lineup 53 Posts user info edit post |
Distance Ed for Dr. Davis BUS 330 is the way to go!!! You get a pack of DVD's with 25 lectures on them. Each lecture is about 70 minutes. You can pause when you need to take extra notes or rewind if you miss something. From what I hear about the on campus class, their test questions were much harder than the test questions for Distance Ed. I recommend purchasing 3 extra credit points at the beginning of semester by signing up for Society of Human Resource Management. You will have to go to the McKimmon Center to take your 3 tests and final exam, but you can schedule them anytime 8-5 Monday-Friday as long as you take each exam before the cut-off date. If you want anymore information about the class, I'd be happy to give you advice. 11/30/2005 11:36:08 AM
Douche Bag Fcuk you 4865 Posts user info edit post |
would u recommend taking this with him online over taking it with gilley? 11/30/2005 11:40:33 AM
wolfeee All American 3942 Posts user info edit post |
Dr. Davis is a woman. PhD from Maryland. 11/30/2005 3:48:23 PM
bettyboop03 New Recruit 7 Posts user info edit post |
I took this this summer. Pay close attention to the lectures (she will test you on stuff that isnt in the book but on the lecture. Overall a decent class. I ended up with a B (1 test question away from a B+). Some of the test questions are very tricky, so read closely and like I said payyy attention. I heard it is horrible in the classroom setting so I am glad I took it online. Plus you can pause it when it gets boring. Also, on the tests are like 3-4 questions (EACH TEST) straight from the syllabus. I can tell you whatever you want to know her class. You can IM me at NCSUBettyboop. Hope this helps! 11/30/2005 4:21:18 PM
NCSULilWolf All American 1707 Posts user info edit post |
Thanks y'all! After reading review on her in school tool, I'm terrified. But I guess online she can't be too mean to me if I'm following the directions correctly. I'll see what happens - I would love to get gilley or whoever has that awesome distribution but that class was closed before I even considered 330 this semester. 12/1/2005 8:41:35 PM
ActOfGod All American 6889 Posts user info edit post |
How receptive is she to proctoring elsewhere if I will be outside of driving range? I'll be in Delaware 12/1/2005 8:52:37 PM
accountant Starting Lineup 53 Posts user info edit post |
Dr. Davis is willing to work through proctors for those outside of driving range. You can communicate with her via email or phone in that case; however, I found her office hours to be very useful when I did not understand a concept. Most of the concepts are explained well though, so don't worry too much about that. Also, I went to her office after test grades were posted to see which ones I missed so I would not make the same mistakes twice. Finally, I just went to her office Monday to study tests 1-3 to prepare for the final. Those are a few things you may or may not be able to do through a proctor. Let me know if you have any more questions. 12/1/2005 11:51:46 PM
ActOfGod All American 6889 Posts user info edit post |
can someone tell me what teh book looks like? I'm finding the ISBN, title, and author, but the year is different from what she listed on the InfoFACT. 12/10/2005 3:28:33 AM
accountant Starting Lineup 53 Posts user info edit post |
I'll sell you my book for the average of what the bookstore will buy it from me and what you would have to pay to buy it used from the bookstore. 12/10/2005 1:01:41 PM