skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
Kicking students out of the lower section to remove seats, saved a lot of time didnt you? 11/20/2005 4:38:50 PM
CharlieEFH All American 21806 Posts user info edit post |
all 5 students... 11/20/2005 4:43:08 PM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
There were a lot, they shoulda done the other side first as it took away all noise from the opponents side. 11/20/2005 4:43:53 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |

wooah cool
11/20/2005 4:44:54 PM
CharlieEFH All American 21806 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "There were a lot, they shoulda done the other side first as it took away all noise from the opponents side." |
i agree with that
after they did it and delaware was shooting free throws i was like--thanks a lot RBC center  11/20/2005 4:46:02 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
As of right now, they have 90 minutes to get both floors up, get everything installed, and do the ice for warmup. They need all the time they can get, though I do agree that doing the other side first would've been better.
P.S. No one said you couldn't still stand there. I'm in favor of getting rid of the seats in the student sections altogether to make more standing room (yes, I know the terrace-like concerns involved).
[Edited on November 20, 2005 at 4:50 PM. Reason : d] 11/20/2005 4:49:10 PM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
They were doing it with 13 min left in the game and during the game until someone complained, not acceptable. 11/20/2005 4:50:10 PM
CharlieEFH All American 21806 Posts user info edit post |
the ice is under the floor, they just need to take off the black squares 11/20/2005 4:51:23 PM
hondaguy All American 6409 Posts user info edit post |
there weren't that many. like 20 at most. I was one of em. And me and my group moved over to the side without being asked. They didn't force anyone move outta that area. 11/20/2005 4:51:24 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
that picture refreshes for those of you that dont know that 11/20/2005 4:52:16 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ The ice is under the floor, but they don't just uncover it and run. Especially after three days under the rubber, they'll have to do some levelling cuts and get the surface temperature stablized.
[Edited on November 20, 2005 at 4:53 PM. Reason : g] 11/20/2005 4:52:55 PM
hondaguy All American 6409 Posts user info edit post |
this is the shortest amt of time that the crew has ever had to do it in before. There fastest so far has been a little over 2 hrs 15 min. Or so I was told. 11/20/2005 4:57:43 PM
phishbfm All American 4715 Posts user info edit post |
i dont blame them for trying to get a jump start. I have a friend who works for the canes, apparantly their best time ever was 3 hours and they were given an hour and 45 minutes today to do it. 11/20/2005 5:09:50 PM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
Who cares about hockey tho? 11/20/2005 5:09:56 PM
Vulcan91 All American 13893 Posts user info edit post |
Intelligent people 11/20/2005 5:10:43 PM
sccrdude1 All American 611 Posts user info edit post |
and me 11/20/2005 5:11:39 PM
phishbfm All American 4715 Posts user info edit post |
a lot more people than you think. apparantly more people than care about nc state vs. deleware. The crowd today was pitiful. 11/20/2005 5:11:40 PM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
It was but those people were there to watch the basketball game, the band wasnt even allowed to play after the game. 11/20/2005 5:12:31 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
I'd rather have the Hurricanes be able to warm up, especially Ladd ( ), than hear the alma mater when I've already heard it twice this weekend. Also, we have to consider the fact that Tortorella would almost certainly lobby for a delay of game penalty if the ice wasn't ready on time.
[Edited on November 20, 2005 at 5:15 PM. Reason : h] 11/20/2005 5:14:40 PM
phishbfm All American 4715 Posts user info edit post |
so you would rather delay a professional sporting event so a college pep band could play one more song? 11/20/2005 5:16:36 PM
CharlieEFH All American 21806 Posts user info edit post |
only if it's hockey  11/20/2005 5:17:10 PM
hondaguy All American 6409 Posts user info edit post |
and if they really wanted to play, they easily coulda just gone out to the middle of the court and played. 11/20/2005 5:18:12 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
End glass is up...I really wish I could've stayed and watched this in person. 11/20/2005 5:22:03 PM
CharlieEFH All American 21806 Posts user info edit post |
its fun to refresh the webcam and see something magically appear  11/20/2005 5:23:03 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, we weren't forced out of our section. We voluntarily moved to the student section of 106 and 107 along the sidelines and the rest of the people there followed us. We were told earlier that they would be removing the seats right after the game ended though, but we were never ordered to move at any point during the game. 11/20/2005 5:23:55 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |

tired of scrolling up
11/20/2005 5:32:04 PM
ENDContra All American 5160 Posts user info edit post |
I understand they dont have much time, but they could have also started the game at 730 (or 8). 11/20/2005 5:37:30 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
Says who? That's grounds for a forfeit. 11/20/2005 5:38:00 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
he may be talking about original scheduling 11/20/2005 5:38:37 PM
hondaguy All American 6409 Posts user info edit post |
or the bball game could have been scheduled for 1 or even 12 11/20/2005 5:39:06 PM
bigTHEW All American 7330 Posts user info edit post |
but there were two games today 11/20/2005 5:39:26 PM
hondaguy All American 6409 Posts user info edit post |
oh yeah, forgot about that . . . they could have started the first game an hour earlier. 11/20/2005 5:40:51 PM
bigTHEW All American 7330 Posts user info edit post |
they wouldn't have started a basketbal game before 12 11/20/2005 5:43:31 PM
hondaguy All American 6409 Posts user info edit post |
well damn it y not? its not like anyone went to it anyways.  11/20/2005 5:44:53 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
I'm pretty sure the hockey schedule was made before the basketball schedule. I could be wrong, trying to look up at least the release dates for both.
Ice is totally uncovered, they've got 35 minutes to get it in good shape.
[Edited on November 20, 2005 at 5:46 PM. Reason : d] 11/20/2005 5:45:50 PM
hondaguy All American 6409 Posts user info edit post |
got one zamboni out there, supprised they dont have em both running 11/20/2005 6:00:13 PM
Unipride All American 1687 Posts user info edit post |
ok i'm opening myself up to ridicule.
How did you know the game started when? it says on the ticket system 7pm! I cannot believe i missed the game!
WHEN WAS IT??? I noticed in another thread that people said the student section was empty, maybe this is why? 11/20/2005 6:28:51 PM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
Always to go gopack to verify 11/20/2005 6:31:31 PM
JonHGuth Suspended 39171 Posts user info edit post |
the ticket thing always says 7 11/20/2005 6:31:50 PM
Unipride All American 1687 Posts user info edit post |
^ now i know. damn. first basketball game i had a chance to go to and now i'm going to lose out my chance to go again.
[Edited on November 20, 2005 at 6:35 PM. Reason : ] 11/20/2005 6:35:04 PM
acutegurl All American 590 Posts user info edit post |
^yea one of my suitemates had front row tickets beside me but missed it b/c she wouldnt answer her phone and thought it was at 7 too...
but about this whole hockey thing..i think just announcing it more than once would have been a better idea than the staff going around during the game talking to people about it...i honestly dont think many ppl even paid attn. to the woman that talked to us b/c she was trying to talk to us in the middle of the game.. 11/20/2005 6:35:51 PM
Unipride All American 1687 Posts user info edit post |
did they scan tickets? is there a person to email or something? I dont want to lose my group seating over this.
i mean the ticket system does not always have the 7pm thing on there either and did have the correct time for football so seriously how are we to know that its not right? 11/20/2005 6:45:27 PM
bigun60 All American 1069 Posts user info edit post |
For those of you that have mentioned they should take down the other end first....
well they can't. The end they took down first is the end the Zambonis come in from. It's the big loading bay. They had to get that opening uncovered so thhey could take the floors and goals and tabled and stuff out that end.
PS. It is alot easier and quicker to take up the basketball floor to reveal the ice. It takes them a couple hours longer to put down the basketball floor. 11/20/2005 7:20:49 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
Note to everyone: DO NOT BELIEVE ANY TIME POSTED ON THE TICKET WEBSITE. I'm not sure what is so hard about posting the correct time but it seems it just can't be done. Always refer to for game times. 11/20/2005 7:32:59 PM
sccrdude1 All American 611 Posts user info edit post |
or your handy schedule card! 11/20/2005 8:29:59 PM
lahyde All American 3327 Posts user info edit post |
email sent to athletics just now detailing time on ticket vs. real schedule problem as well has group system problems...sorry about that
and someone mentioned that they only have to take up the black floor---yeah, but you have to move the bleachers back that are on the lower level, because the hockey floor is grossly larger than what basketball takes up----so there's a shitton to move out of the way 11/20/2005 8:34:38 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
i think they were talking about not having to actually make ice, that it was just beneath the boards 11/20/2005 8:45:49 PM
CharlieEFH All American 21806 Posts user info edit post |
that is what i meant  11/20/2005 8:48:13 PM
bmpncsu Veteran 318 Posts user info edit post |
Look at the schedule:
Hockey Thursday BBall Friday, Sat, Sun Hockey Sun concert Mon Hockey Tues BBall Wed. Hockey Fri.
Could you imagine how much of a pain that has to be. 11/20/2005 10:46:39 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
yeah it must really suck for those people to do their job 11/20/2005 10:47:29 PM