do you still need a blibiography if you use footnotes?
11/10/2005 12:49:56 AM
I would strongly recommend it. If you took those footnotes from a copyrighted source anyway.
11/10/2005 1:37:11 AM
At University level completly depends on the prof but in 99.99999% if cases yes.If it were being published, sometimes the publisher to save pages that he/she has to print will forego a seperate sources section for a well formulated foot/endnotes set.
11/10/2005 12:14:33 PM
Consult the relevent style manual.
11/10/2005 11:46:52 PM
"better safe than sorry"
11/11/2005 8:33:23 AM
Yep you still need them and the bib. Trust me I have to do a paper for my Anthro class and even though we don't have to use outside sources she still wants an Annotated bibliography.
11/12/2005 1:18:15 AM