Anyone had this professor before. Grade dist. looked good and i couldnt get into hongs class.thx
11/3/2005 7:41:01 AM
I had him last semester. I think hes a pretty cool guy. He lets you use an entire sheet of paper with whatever the hell you want on it for the test.
11/3/2005 2:29:28 PM
I had him last semester. Hated him, just didnt get his style, plus he always was like "oh, you can figure out the rest..."
11/3/2005 4:47:31 PM
good god i wish he let us do that for math 425. i can see him teaching it really hard, and kinda leaving the slow people behind in the dust. though, 341 is easy enough where that may not be that big of an issue. if you have to take ma 425, you'll regret everything w/ schecter. good guy, good teacher, just hard.
11/3/2005 6:05:15 PM