I just got a dell dimension 4500 and it won't play unreal 2004 or even load up google earth. When I try to load up unreal it says for me to turn on 3d acceleration well I tried and it doesn't look like I got it. I was told this machine had 32 mb of video. I assume this is onboard video and it doesn't support 3D? I am not really that good with stuff but I assume I need a new video card something that does 3D. It just doesn't make since that this one wouldn't. Thanks Jason
10/21/2005 10:31:59 AM
i got this a few months ago:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814125170and have been really happy with it.
10/21/2005 10:43:07 AM
I know this isn't classifieds but,I'll sell you a Radeon 9600PRO (USED) for $35... works perfect.(Just make sure you are AGP 8X compatible... because I tried selling it to a guy and he was having problems... come to find out his motherboard was only 4X or something)
10/21/2005 10:54:56 AM
how do I find out if mine is agp8x compatible? I might be interested. Thanks Jason
10/21/2005 3:21:16 PM
you have to look up whether or not your motherboard supports AGP 8x. so figure out the manufacturer and check their website for information about your model number.
10/21/2005 5:09:37 PM