I got this from Static, who's a pretty big name on Fireflyfans.net. He's the one who indirectly introduced Firefly to me and he's got the skinny on the premiere this Friday at Mission Valley. This is what he knows:Showtime is at 9:00 PM.Festivities (costume contest, etc.) start at 8:00Many folks are planning to arrive around 7:30
9/28/2005 4:03:49 PM
you folks are dedicatedi guess Joss Whedon IS your master now
9/28/2005 4:08:15 PM
id so go...but just to watch the movie not dress up and all that
9/28/2005 4:11:29 PM
the hardcore crowd saw it tuesdaysome guy was there with blue gloves, and a few with brown coats, but no fancy costumes.
9/28/2005 4:39:28 PM
So I've seen some flyers around campus. They look homemade, but they're really cool. Any idea who's making those?
9/28/2005 7:31:52 PM
That is going to be the worst movie EVERAnyone who watches that movie should be ashamed of themselves.I already told my roommate that I will punch him in the FACE if he watches that movie.
9/28/2005 7:33:24 PM
wow, you're so cool. can I be your friend?
9/28/2005 7:46:19 PM
nothing is any good if other people like it.
9/28/2005 8:38:33 PM
^ Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.(Not me, btw).
9/28/2005 8:45:08 PM
still wondering if anyone knows who made the flyers I've seen around campus
9/29/2005 8:03:44 AM
10/9/2005 2:23:56 PM
Yes, it was amazing, ten times better if you're a Firefly fan, but seriously who made those flyers? I stole a couple of them from Nelson Hall 1st floor.
10/9/2005 3:22:55 PM
the guy that played the assasin was fuckin awesome
10/9/2005 4:35:33 PM
yeah, most of the actors were really good for relative unknowns. I'm pretty sure the guy who played "mr universe" was the most credited actor of them all.
10/9/2005 5:02:29 PM