Basically, this page is used to send timesheets to the human resources woman at work. The problem is it has randomly quit working and I can't figure out why--nothing has changed recently.The code is as follows: "obj.Mail.To" goes to the HR woman, obviously I omited her address so none of you guys decides to get crazy. "BCCReceivers" goes to me and all other variables are defined and are pretty obvious what they are. Any ideas?!?! This has worked fine for over two years and randomly quit working... set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") objMail.From = SubmittedBy objMail.To = "" objMail.BCC = BCCReceivers objMail.Subject = Subject objMail.BodyFormat = 0 objMail.MailFormat = 0 objMail.Importance = 2 objMail.Body = EmailMessage objMail.AttachFile "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\iftworldwide\images\ift_worldwide_header.gif", "ift_worldwide.gif", 1 objMail.Send() set objMail = nothing
9/12/2005 9:40:58 PM
Where are you setting the SMTP server for the mail to be sent with?
9/13/2005 8:19:06 AM
I remember working on a setup like this, and there was some dll that had to be registered on the server. sometimes, for no real reason, you'd have to re-register it. Google for that
9/13/2005 9:04:55 AM
I'll look into both of those, and it was originally setup to use the smtp server that our ISDN provider let me use...then we switched to roadrunner and it kept working anyways. I should probably change it to use the new smpt server...d'oh
9/13/2005 9:06:53 AM