so here's what i'm thinking:because of the reasons that 1) no one really uses the calendar much2) we already have mailyou could easily (i assume.. but i don't really know that) allow users to select events and such on the calender so that they would get an email to remind them about said event, and/or they could enter their own reminders that would automatically send them an email in the same wayI think that would be REALLY useful
2/2/2002 6:50:20 PM
and perhaps there's a way to eliminate duplication? I noticed the other day that pick up hockey and pick-up hockey were both listed
2/2/2002 8:51:19 PM
or delete pigskin picks no longer occur.
2/2/2002 9:44:34 PM
yeah the computer can really know when there are duplicates"pick up hockey" and "hockey today" are the same event
2/3/2002 9:54:44 PM
the computer can't know, but people who post can read the subject of today's events first, and that would solve the problem. it would be cool shit if you could do a "add to my calendar" for those who use outlook/express/eudora (or whatever it is) and it adds everything to your calendar.
2/3/2002 10:35:17 PM