i damaged the undercarage of my car. i think my muffler is damaged bc it sounds really really loud. how do i fix the problem, or replace the muffler? can i do it myself or do i need to take the it in?more importantly; is there any harm in driving the car with a damaged muffler?
9/3/2005 2:50:35 PM
kind of car?how did you "damage" the underside?
9/3/2005 2:55:01 PM
91 accord. its kinda hard to explain how it happened, i had to drive up onto some concret 2 feet high or so. the angle caused the edge of the concrete to shear the underside of my car.
9/3/2005 3:17:10 PM
downright easiest way to do it is take it to a muffler place and have them replace it. anything you did with a 2ft curb you wont be able to repair yourself
9/3/2005 3:36:12 PM
how much am i looking at ?i would like to know;
9/3/2005 3:52:16 PM
no harm, and how much of course depends on how much you actually damaged
9/3/2005 4:06:58 PM
could have just caused a hole somewhere, not neccesarily the muffler.
9/3/2005 4:30:56 PM
fartcan, get it, you know your honda is a ricer
9/3/2005 4:40:07 PM
If you drove over a 2ft curb, you may want to have the entire underside thoroughly checked out. You could have caused more damage than just the muffler, scraping the oil pan, or other engine parts. Driving with a loud muffler won't do any damage, but if it extremely loud, you could et pulled and ticketed for it.If you get look under it while running, you should be able to see where the noise is coming from. The muffler is all the wa in the back, between the rear axel and the bumper. If the noise is coming from somewhere up front there is damage somewhere else in the exhaust - exhaust pipes broken or disconnected, hoel in the catalytic converter, etc. You shoul be able to identify the problem by a thorough inepection. And if it is damaged up front, be careful, because exhaust fumes can leak into the car while you are driving and make you or your passengers sick.
9/3/2005 5:09:44 PM
ok thnx for the input
9/4/2005 1:14:31 PM
If it is the muffler, you can get a stock equivalent one for 90-130 online (just google "accord muffler"). I highly recommend one which includes the pipe and the flange (thing at the end of the pipe which bolts to other pipe). I tried to ghetto rig NAPA's $40 generic muffler to my 90 accord, but it didn't work so well. The car passed inspection with it and it is much quieter than driving with no muffler, but the thing is going to fall off when I take a speed bump too fast someday (though it has made it through 4000 miles so far). If you care about your car, get a muffler that bolts on and doesn't require crimping adaptors to it.
9/6/2005 2:59:45 AM