according to their website they are playing saturday at moore square park.. but according to they are not playing.. anyone know the deal??
8/26/2005 1:19:51 AM
let's hope not
8/26/2005 1:21:19 AM
yeah, those guys blow
8/26/2005 8:40:24 AM
fuck yall squeezetoy rocks.and im not sure. i just noticed downtown live makes no mention of them
8/26/2005 8:43:56 AM
they rock if it's 1999 and rap rock is still cool. but it's not and it isn't.
8/26/2005 8:45:20 AM
^agreed. Although I think they're really talented...and a good band overall...I think they've missed their window of opportunity. They just came along a few yrs too late.
8/26/2005 9:42:49 AM
man, they had their cd release party at east village. They hooked up a cd player to the sound system so they could play it but then couldn't get the jukebox working again after the party. The lead singer kept playing their cd over and over all night, i was about to kill myself. I even talked to the drummer and he said he was getting annoyed by it. I've hated them ever since.
8/26/2005 9:46:47 AM
When was this? Recently?
8/26/2005 9:53:37 AM
twas last fall or something.,i remember it. we drank too much to be thoroughly annoyed by it
8/26/2005 11:11:10 AM