pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |
windows won't start
it won't even start in safe mode
says the following error "load needed DLLs for kernel" 8/25/2005 10:23:23 AM
pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |
and it said contact my support person to report this problem, and well.... since I know jack shit about computers, you tech talk peeps are my support ... anyways, thanks 8/25/2005 10:24:30 AM
pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |
think I need an XP disc 8/25/2005 11:00:58 AM
OmarBadu zidik 25083 Posts user info edit post |
reload the OS
if there is any data you need off the hdd - plug it into another pc that is booting from somewhere else and offload the data 8/25/2005 11:10:38 AM
pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |
uh oh
ok, so who knows how to do all that 8/25/2005 11:14:21 AM
jahosephat All American 3130 Posts user info edit post |
man...I had to get data off my computer so many times...  8/25/2005 11:31:35 AM
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11612 Posts user info edit post |
Just find a buddy who's familar with what needs to be done. You're bound to know someone. 8/25/2005 11:39:46 AM
pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |
hopefully a tww friend can help me out 8/25/2005 11:42:23 AM
esgargs Suspended 97470 Posts user info edit post |
I thought you had real friends. 8/25/2005 11:44:41 AM
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11612 Posts user info edit post |
If you're looking for physical help from the folk here you should probably start stocking up on beer. 8/25/2005 11:44:52 AM
pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |
^^ I know people in "real life" and I know people from tww, the people I know from TWW are more likely to know how to fix it...
^ thats always an item we stock here 8/25/2005 11:47:03 AM
esgargs Suspended 97470 Posts user info edit post |
Why not just PM those guys you "know" from TWW? 8/25/2005 11:50:16 AM
jbtilley All American 12803 Posts user info edit post |
The easiest way? Drop in another harddrive. Set that up with windows. Transfer all the files off of the original harddrive to the new one. Reformat the old drive and use it for extra storage.
Or bite the bullet and start over.
Have you tried the "repair windows installation" option? I remember seeing it on a 2K install disk. Maybe they carried that over to XP. I'm not sure - never had to do it. 8/25/2005 11:51:22 AM
pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |
cause I don't feel like sending a mass PM in hopes that one of the people within that list can help me out
(thanks for keeping this at the top) 8/25/2005 11:51:27 AM
pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |
^^ yeah, but I'd manage to fuck that up also 8/25/2005 11:52:46 AM
jbtilley All American 12803 Posts user info edit post |
You could call the PC dork that drives around in the PT Cruiser maybe?
[Edited on August 25, 2005 at 12:25 PM. Reason : the the] 8/25/2005 12:07:48 PM
ZeroDegrez All American 3897 Posts user info edit post |
Just put the XP CD into your computer, let it load. Then following the instructions on the screen, select the hard-drive you already have windows installed on. Select to install windows on it. When it asks if you want to repair, select yes. Your other option is to just dismiss the "repair" option and just reinstall the OS, and not format the drive. 8/25/2005 12:11:40 PM
pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |
^^ true
^ I'd do that, but I don't have a disk, hopefully metalred will have one when he gets home 8/25/2005 12:17:22 PM
jbtilley All American 12803 Posts user info edit post |
What major are you. Some colleges have a service where you can download WinXP for free (one time only). Then again if you don't have a computer to download it... 8/25/2005 12:24:50 PM
pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |
fisheries and wildlife  8/25/2005 12:27:31 PM
jbtilley All American 12803 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah. The only free things they probably hand out are fishing licenses. 8/25/2005 12:30:20 PM
pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |

8/25/2005 12:37:00 PM
30thAnnZ Suspended 31803 Posts user info edit post |
i swear to fucking christ some of you people are the most helpless fuckers on this planet. 8/25/2005 2:00:14 PM
pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |
I just don't know shit about computers
different strokes for different folks 8/25/2005 2:28:18 PM
ZeroDegrez All American 3897 Posts user info edit post |
Well, you can learn about them. Reading instructions works good. As does just putting the question into google. If you own a dell or gateway, or one of those kinds, they have support lines. I don't care if you ask here or not.
But being in the whole fishery, wildlife area of study, I would think you would have more respect for the proverb about teaching a man to fish...or the cultural equivalent. 8/25/2005 4:36:02 PM
pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |
have you ever thought that maybe, I would watch and learn how to fix it...
don't be a fuckstick, I'm trying to see if someone I know can fix it 8/25/2005 6:08:14 PM
MetalRed All American 27124 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Interests : Game Design; Programming; Humans; Computers; AI; Unreal Moding; Chicks; Junk Food; RPG; " |
One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesnt belong 8/25/2005 6:13:11 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
greg thats not too hard of a problem to fix
if you give me your harddrive i could save all the stuff you need(like twwnudez, music, etc.) and fix it for you 8/26/2005 5:23:17 AM
MetalRed All American 27124 Posts user info edit post |
I got it working again last night. problem solved 8/26/2005 10:23:04 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
oh ok 8/26/2005 10:29:15 AM
pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |
ps, thanks Ian 8/26/2005 2:33:17 PM