jayduck All American 694 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " Old School 2
News is coming out that Dreamworks has officially given the green light to "Old School 2" with the same writers and director being signed on. But hold on a second. Before you get too excited, the good folks over at Empire bring up some very good questions:
Now, you might wonder if they can stretch the idea out for another 90 minutes – after all, things in Old School rounded themselves off quite comfortably, but bear in mind that there has been no mention of the cast from the first film returning in any major capacity. So all new characters, with only cameos from Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell and Vince Vaughn (and hopefully Elisha Cuthbert)? Honestly... what else can you do with this concept that you didn't already do in the first one. It was already starting to get a little tired by the end of the first one as it is. And if they brought in a new cast, then we'd be looking at nothing but Caddyshack 2 all over again (ug... painful memories).
I just don't see any upside to doing this movie. The first one was fine... leave it alone. Let Ferrell an co. get on and do other projects that aren't already beaten to death. " |
8/25/2005 7:14:15 AM
Wraith All American 27293 Posts user info edit post |
Vince Vaughn has been in just about every movie for the past 3 years. 8/25/2005 7:35:52 AM
Locutus Zero All American 13575 Posts user info edit post |
Chris Rock should do a joke about him so Sean Penn can defend him. 8/25/2005 7:38:25 AM
Woodfoot All American 60354 Posts user info edit post |
nah, one of the wilson bro's would walk out and be like "vince vaughn is an american treasure, he's a motorboatin son of a bitch, but he's a treasure, i love you beanie" 8/25/2005 8:03:00 AM
Grapehead All American 19676 Posts user info edit post |
they should do a prequel about blue 8/25/2005 9:22:58 AM
Woodfoot All American 60354 Posts user info edit post |
its gonna be jack black, ben stiller, and the newest frat pack brother, steve carrell with cameos from the rest of the cast of anchorman, owen wilson, and tim meadows 8/25/2005 9:53:59 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148898 Posts user info edit post |
could be funny
or could be jordan's 2nd comeback 8/25/2005 9:59:27 AM
Docido All American 4642 Posts user info edit post |
So what you're saying is there is going to be a whole movie featuring Jack Black doing that retarded "eyebrow dancing thing" the whole movie while Ben Stiller does Blue Steel and Steve Carrell invites a girl to the party in his pants?  8/25/2005 9:59:59 AM
phishbfm All American 4715 Posts user info edit post |
i thought i had heard todd phillips wasn't going to do Old School 2 because he was still pissed they made eurotrip.
imo, todd phillips is the key to those movies. 8/25/2005 10:19:01 AM
MunkeyMuck All American 4427 Posts user info edit post |
thats exactly what i heard. the guy was fucking furious and said he wouldent ever do old school 2 8/26/2005 7:19:59 PM
Woodfoot All American 60354 Posts user info edit post |
wait whats the story on eurotrip??? 8/26/2005 11:59:03 PM
bartleby All American 15561 Posts user info edit post |
Todd Phillips upset that DreamWorks advertised EUROTRIP as something of a sequel to ROADTRIP (using the "from the producers of ROADTRIP" line). He dropped out of doing OLD SCHOOL 2. But apparently it's not a problem that can't be solved by throwing a huge pile of cash. 8/27/2005 9:50:17 AM
phishbfm All American 4715 Posts user info edit post |
well that's good news, phillips is the man 8/27/2005 11:10:03 AM
Woodfoot All American 60354 Posts user info edit post |
does he own the rights to the term "old school" or something couldn't they be making the movie without him 8/27/2005 11:28:31 AM
bartleby All American 15561 Posts user info edit post |
The big thing is that the cast said that they wouldn't do it without Phillips directing. 8/27/2005 2:40:09 PM