eraser All American 6733 Posts user info edit post |
Does anyone know of a point-to-point RS232 to RS232 wireless system? (DB-9 to DB-9)
I have found one on a UK site but I am wondering if there is a US one (and at a lower price).
I want to be able to eliminate the wires between one RS-232 device and the computer.
Thanks! 8/21/2005 7:05:43 PM
cdubya All American 3046 Posts user info edit post |
232->usb, then use usb wireless hub? 8/21/2005 7:08:17 PM
eraser All American 6733 Posts user info edit post |
I wass hoping to do it with an older system so avoiding USB (if possible) would be awesome.
Since RS-232 is so simple I just keep thinking there must be an easy way to do this. *thinks* 8/21/2005 7:09:33 PM
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
Well, RS232 is simple but anything wireless is for sure not. 8/21/2005 7:46:25 PM
WxGuy08 Veteran 125 Posts user info edit post |
This would be one way to do it, but it's definitely not cheap!
edit: Just re-read your original post, and I don't think there's going to be a cheap way to do it...
[Edited on August 21, 2005 at 8:50 PM. Reason : ] 8/21/2005 8:49:39 PM
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
I found some modules for $19 a peice (you would need two). If you are crafty you could write some microcontroller code to talk to them (probably do it in about 30-40 lines of C) because as of yet I haven't found any that take raw rs232 and transmit it for you.
What is the project? I have been looking for something to play with microcontrollers again and as winter approaches and I am not outside as much then I'll have time to do it. Let me know what you are needing and I might be persuaded into experimenting. 8/21/2005 9:08:35 PM
eraser All American 6733 Posts user info edit post |
I have been meaning to work more with microcontrollers as well.
This is a random project to get rid of wires between a PC and a tiny board that interfaces with temperature sensors. I am trying to eliminate the wires and maybe even locate the device in another room.
PM me if you want to work on details of this. 8/21/2005 9:49:25 PM
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
What mcu's do you play around with? I stick mostly to AVRs because I have the development kits here but once you know one it is trivial to play with the others, its just a matter of being able to program them.
Chew on this site for a bit, and if you really think you need some help then let me know. 8/21/2005 10:21:17 PM
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
So rather than communicate via PM we might as well make this open source. How high a data rates are you looking at? At that link I sent you there is a transmitter/receiver combo to be $17.95 (+ whatever shipping is) that will do 4800bps at a pretty good range. These were the modules I had in mind when I went searching, and as always technology is wonderful and they have those 2.4ghz modules now.
It may very well be possible to just hook the Tx line of the sending device to the Din line of the transmitter and the Rx line at the PC to the Dout line of the receiver and you won't need any micro's anywhere. Well, you'll probably need max232 devices (i have some if you need them, you can also get them as free samples from maxim and national) as the RF works on + logic only. 8/23/2005 10:44:23 PM
eraser All American 6733 Posts user info edit post |
I am trying to connect a device like this one:

I put it together with my trusty soldering iron and have already written my own "drivers" to detect the board and parse the input. The idea of course is to make it connect without having it physically wired to the computer.
The point of the device is to monitor the temperature from up to 4 different probes.
In this page, they use an old-ass modem and a very long phone line. I do not need to go quite the distance that they did. I am only really interested in maybe 25 feet or so.
The only problem that I forsee is that the board uses power from the motherboard and will not work properly if that voltage is varied by much.
Yesterday I did find an interesting product called AirCable that could solve the problem but it may still be cool to work on the wireless project just to get the expierience.
AirCable could do the job for less than $150 total which is inexpensive enough.
Given this, any other suggestions/ideas?  8/24/2005 8:25:00 AM
cornbread All American 2809 Posts user info edit post |
Check these guys out. I use some of there stuff. they even have an 802.11b - rs232 converter 8/24/2005 11:09:22 AM
eraser All American 6733 Posts user info edit post |
^ they have some nice products but they are a touch on the expensive side.
The 802.11b to RS-232 is $500  8/24/2005 4:29:52 PM