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 Message Boards » » Weird router prollem w/ Resnet Page [1]  
Sup, B
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So I just stumped the second resnet guy w/ this router problem. Got a Netgear WGT624 yesterday from Beast Buy. Router works fine as long as I don't plugin the resnet connection. When I do, all networking ceases to be. Unplug resnet: works fine. My laptop connects fine straight to resnet and straight to the router.

Here's the kicker. Networking doesn't just cease to be immediately. It stops after a couple minutes. As in, I plug in resnet, the router gets an IP and I can surf fine for a minute or two. Then I get nothing but timeouts, even to the router itself! As in, if I type in good ol "" i even get a timeout. Unplug resnet from the router and I can access the router again...

I tried an older linksys router of mine and it works flawlessly even w/ resnet. We checked the regular router settings and they matched up all the same for both routers...

Any Clues?

8/16/2005 5:19:58 PM

All American
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reset the router to factrory defaults and then make sure that the firmware is up to date if not then download the new firmware and upgrade it...

8/16/2005 5:24:31 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Quote :
"As in, if I type in good ol """

Netgear uses

8/16/2005 5:59:55 PM

Sup, B
53293 Posts
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^ not this one. but thx for the advice no new firmware at the moment. I gave up and exchanged it for a linksys router. seems to be working right now...

8/16/2005 6:37:40 PM

All American
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if you're just using resnet you could have just used a switch. you didn't need a router. Resnet will assign your IPs for you.

8/16/2005 10:58:46 PM

All American
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yeah did you disable dhcp?

8/16/2005 11:17:25 PM

All American
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I had a friend who had a Netgear router that did weird shit whenever he plugged his Sprint DSL modem into it. I had always assumed a net feed was a net feed. Apparently not.

However there is so much garbage floating around the campus internet that someone may be sending packets that specifically target that router and cripple it, like a security exploit or something.

8/16/2005 11:46:50 PM

Sup, B
53293 Posts
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Quote :
"if you're just using resnet you could have just used a switch. you didn't need a router. Resnet will assign your IPs for you."

eh, i like the firewall feature being built in so I don't have to change firewall settings on several computers. plus I'd like a wireless connection for my laptop. seems a bit cheaper than buying a switch and an AP. btw, WHY THE FUCK! does an AP cost more than a router?

Quote :
"yeah did you disable dhcp?"

tried that w/ no luck as well.

8/17/2005 8:16:47 AM

Thots and Prayers
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Sounds like some sort of incompatibility between the netgear router and the switch on the other end. IIRC, it should be a Cisco 2948G switch on the other end. lemme see if there are any known issues.

If you have a hub laying around, try putting that in between the router and your resnet port. If you still see the same problem, plug your computer into the hub, and get a sniffer trace. I've seen cases where some needless negotiation traffic causes one side to choke.

8/17/2005 9:00:50 AM

Sup, B
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taint got no hubs lyin around. I know, i'm not much of a geek if I dont have a hub, you know? thx for the suggestion, though. If I can get a hold of one, I'll give it a shot.

8/17/2005 9:23:06 AM

Thots and Prayers
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couldn't find any known issues NIC compatibility issues, but I doubt that's what we're looking at anyways.

Linksys > Netgear anyway. Netgear's owned by Nortel, so I have a strong bias against it.

8/17/2005 10:12:09 AM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » Weird router prollem w/ Resnet Page [1]  
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