NCSt8Babe All American 2242 Posts user info edit post |
This is feedback and I think TWW people should be able to let it be known who we think should be terminated. I didn't put this in chit chat b/c i think we should like people for GOOD reasons. Please don't turn this into a thread simply flaming people and naming those you don't like.
Aparently PHr0Z3NGh0st gets some peoples votes b/c of the browser bombs.
I personally say mienutzich b/c of that horrible date rape thread (joke or not) 1/29/2002 9:03:09 PM
Kev4Pack All American 25272 Posts user info edit post |
They decide. A large movement by people won't work.
n00b 1/29/2002 9:05:27 PM
PHr0Z3NGh0st All American 1990 Posts user info edit post |
I say you should be for making a thread about something like this just my opinion though
-0\/\/|\|3D 1/29/2002 9:05:46 PM
InsaneMan All American 22802 Posts user info edit post |
NCSUStinger... when he has 9999 posts. 1/29/2002 9:26:45 PM
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62551 Posts user info edit post |
hahaha, bye bye PHr0Z3NGh0st 1/29/2002 9:32:49 PM
Doss2k All American 18474 Posts user info edit post |
I think that would be funny if they suspend stinger at 9999 or put some sorta lock down on it like no matter how much he posts it never goes over 9999 1/29/2002 9:35:53 PM
InsaneMan All American 22802 Posts user info edit post |
same thing I suggested for myrtle, but they didnt do it 1/29/2002 9:42:56 PM
Doss2k All American 18474 Posts user info edit post |
EVERYONE in this thread who continues to personally attack JELRican should get banned that is just plain wrong Im sorry!!! 1/29/2002 9:58:54 PM
Plankeye All American 3446 Posts user info edit post |
I don't think it is a personal attack. If she hadn't done it, no pictures 1/29/2002 11:32:50 PM
timswar All American 41050 Posts user info edit post |
ya know, i'm really tired of hearing that, common decency dictates you don't post compromising pictures of people on the fucking internet 1/29/2002 11:34:26 PM
aielman All American 18197 Posts user info edit post |
damn straight...i'm betting half of the people dont know her...there is no fucking reason that they should do that...i seriously doubt that there are any other females on the wolfweb who would want their breasts all over...and very few guy would want pics of his penis spread all over...
-I can smell your brains 1/29/2002 11:52:11 PM
InsaneMan All American 22802 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i seriously doubt that there are any other females on the wolfweb who would want their breasts all over" |
myrtle 1/30/2002 12:09:49 AM
Nighthawk All American 19640 Posts user info edit post |
Myrtle did it on her own. She scanned her tits and posted it for a little while. No shit storm went down like what happened with JelRican, and Myrtle is/was definitely not afraid to tell people what she thought of them. 1/30/2002 12:19:48 AM
Plankeye All American 3446 Posts user info edit post |
Well I don't agree with those pictures being on here either. I am just saying that people need to be more careful because you never know what will happen. 1/30/2002 12:35:14 AM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
i'm not familiar with this, what do you mean? 1/30/2002 2:47:42 AM
Z_12 All American 1165 Posts user info edit post |
Damn, JERLican got pissed! anyways, nobody should be banned... 1/30/2002 11:10:57 AM
jedi All American 906 Posts user info edit post |
ncst8babe: i couldn't disagree with you more on this one. having people vote on who should get suspended/banned is crazy. all people would have to do then is just gather enough votes and boom, a person they do not like is gone. that will not solve anything 1/30/2002 11:22:10 AM
ironmike All American 12948 Posts user info edit post |
i agree with jedi...i think someone has been watching too much survivor 1/30/2002 11:40:10 AM
NCSt8Babe All American 2242 Posts user info edit post |
I didn't mean it like that. I meant this thread to be a forum to let Crazy J know about people who should be kicked off for legitimate reasons. Like Phrozenghost for making people's computers crash constantly for example. 1/30/2002 2:35:23 PM
CassTheSass cupid 35382 Posts user info edit post |
i think that if Jake/Joe did this, Trapezius would have been kicked off of here a lot sooner 1/30/2002 4:17:28 PM
Dem0nm0nky All American 9909 Posts user info edit post |
monkeys? just let it die...people will forget about the damn jelrican thing. jeebus. you keep biching about it...people will keep remembering it. SHHHHHH!!!  1/30/2002 6:25:55 PM
ironmike All American 12948 Posts user info edit post |

1/30/2002 6:26:33 PM
BigPapa All American 4727 Posts user info edit post |
I say nchsref should be banned because of his racist posts that our outside the soapbox. 1/30/2002 9:51:59 PM
crickey All American 2269 Posts user info edit post |
nchsref 1/30/2002 10:00:43 PM
Gizmo All American 1908 Posts user info edit post |
i think nchsrf just posts things for a reaction, i dont think he really belives them... 1/31/2002 1:17:41 AM
InsaneMan All American 22802 Posts user info edit post |
i think he does 1/31/2002 5:52:22 AM
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62551 Posts user info edit post |
i think all that he wants is attention, just dont give it to him, and he will eventually leave anyway 1/31/2002 6:47:47 AM
FuhCtious All American 11955 Posts user info edit post |
i think only people who really waste space on here and those who are causing serious serious problems should be terminated. if you keep posting pictures of someone or insulting them then go for it, but that whole JELRican thing was bullshit, not enough to warrant anything. just a lesson for the future i guess.
i can't stand those people who waste all of our time with worthless shit, like posting a thread that says "Hi..." and then the first line is "I just wanted to say that."
i also can't stand post padding, because it makes it so much harder to find the stuff on here that actually ahs merit. i thinki it decreases the overall quality of the site, and that hurts jake and joe in the long run, too. 1/31/2002 9:14:24 AM
timswar All American 41050 Posts user info edit post |
nchsref does just do things for attention, that's what makes him a dumbass, he actually sits back getting off on making people mad on an internet site, to me, that just sounds pathetic 1/31/2002 9:44:29 AM
Nrallen All American 13239 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i think all that he wants is attention, just dont give it to him, and he will eventually leave anyway" |
i find that to be increadibly humorus for who said it 1/31/2002 11:09:15 AM
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62551 Posts user info edit post |
that is humorus isnt it? 1/31/2002 11:20:57 AM
MrMojoDriver All American 8157 Posts user info edit post |
I agree with was alot better back when u could get in "trouble" for post padding (back when there was a top ten)....then came the chit chat and the padders and for about ten minutes they were limited to the trash bin...then the moderators STOP CARING and let them run rampant...
I wonder how many Stinger would have then...I'm guessin around 200.... 1/31/2002 2:40:16 PM
Joe Lucky 1902 Posts user info edit post |
chit chat IS the trashbin for the most part. In my eyes, a conversation between a couple people in chit chat is about as fun to read as NCSUStingers post padding. Therefore, since you are allowed to carry on a conversation that is only relevant to like 3 people, stinger is allowed to post pad. If you want better content, post it in the lounge. We're trying to let you guys have your cake and eat it too with chit/chat and the lounge. The idea behind chit/chat is that we just kind of let it go so you guys don't bitch about us being nazis. The lounge is for people who want better content: We try to keep tabs on that to keep post padding and personal conversations that don't interest the majority of people out. 1/31/2002 2:51:22 PM
MrMojoDriver All American 8157 Posts user info edit post |
and I wish u guys were still thread nazis, shit was alot better then... 1/31/2002 2:55:15 PM