5/23/2004 12:55:22 PM
5/23/2004 6:12:06 PM
5/23/2004 6:14:49 PM
5/23/2004 7:37:06 PM
Smath's shining moment in feedback forum, it's all downhill from here though
5/23/2004 11:44:25 PM
deja vu
5/24/2004 12:14:33 AM
yes, it takes too much thought to do it manuallyone time i accidently did [user]marko[/marko]
5/24/2004 3:52:05 PM
it doesn't take much thought to type out [b] [i] [u] [s] [code] [link] [quote] or [image] either, but they still have buttons for them.
5/24/2004 5:58:06 PM