The fucking Hockies get a sex chat, they get "party tunes", Spring break section, hottest girls section, Chat section, hookup section.THEY HAVE 903 REGISTERED USERS TOTAL. GET ON THE FUCKIN BALL.
3/2/2004 11:54:41 AM
then go stay on their board
3/2/2004 12:05:53 PM
plz dois there any reason to have 47 different sections?
3/2/2004 2:13:00 PM
doesnt chit chat and the lounge basically encompass all of that?
3/2/2004 4:12:51 PM
yesand i bet those things would just slow stuff down (although the party tunes section would be pretty cool)
3/2/2004 4:13:52 PM
3/2/2004 4:24:35 PM