Considering the addiction factor, perhaps it would be a good idea to offer to pay a fine of sorts to get your account back. Seems like a good way for the site to make money.
12/14/2003 9:30:25 PM
it's been done]
12/14/2003 10:33:56 PM
no addiction here, I can live without TWW 24 hours a day really I can, no really I mean it, I could show you if I wanted to.
12/14/2003 11:53:59 PM
you know they'd pay.
12/15/2003 11:13:57 AM
12/15/2003 9:41:56 PM
That's a pretty good idea. You could charge ten dollars for the first suspension, and add five dollars or something for each suspension after that. People might rather pay the ten bucks if they really like their screenname instead of paying five for a new one. JAKE, YOU COULD BE A MILLIONAIRE.
12/15/2003 11:04:42 PM
^no, i'd rather pay $5 instead of $10 anyday. what is so great about a s/n anyway?
12/16/2003 10:46:54 AM
post count.
12/16/2003 11:27:51 AM
yeah, i guess people like you with that high of one would actually care about that.
12/16/2003 11:49:35 AM
12/16/2003 2:51:20 PM
well of course you wouldn't care, no one knows you.
12/17/2003 3:37:31 PM
How about a payment option to get someone suspended?
12/17/2003 5:13:18 PM
this introduces moral hazard b/c they could just suspend people they think will pay to pump them for money.
12/18/2003 5:29:18 PM
so... lets do it.
12/18/2003 9:14:29 PM
12/19/2003 12:48:06 PM
Think we can rebuild him?
1/16/2004 3:09:36 AM
we have the technology. But do we charge him $5 or $10?
1/16/2004 9:14:38 AM
i dunno. maybe.
1/17/2004 5:24:37 PM