users (perhaps limited to premies) should be able to give X free passes to people to get a tdub account. after Y days, the account expires unless they throw some scrilla down. may be [OLD], didn't care to hit search.
12/5/2003 6:38:11 PM
tww acounts aren't free?
12/5/2003 6:38:50 PM
^^ i think he's talking about non ncsu people
12/5/2003 6:50:12 PM
that would be a correct statement
12/5/2003 6:55:52 PM
Can I get some action from the back to the top
12/6/2003 1:06:07 PM
But that would give too much credibility to the old crack picture capioned: "TWW, the first hit is free"
12/8/2003 12:27:52 AM