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3/20/2009 12:11:55 AM

All American
7336 Posts
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That's not VZB. Entirely different unit.

[Edited on March 20, 2009 at 12:39 AM. Reason : a]

3/20/2009 12:37:06 AM

All American
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i work down the street from VZB, definitely seems like there are less cars going through the stoplight from VZB recently

3/20/2009 12:49:18 AM

All American
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Current job extended my contract 3 more months.

3/20/2009 11:15:48 AM

All American
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Entry level engineering positions. Doesn't say what type, hahaha. Still, this might be one people have a shot at since they're really looking for entry level folks. Like you all said, there's a lot of people out there with a lot of experience looking to snatch these positions from us folks with no experience because they're willing to work for less than we'd get paid.

3/20/2009 1:39:55 PM

All American
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i work in network monitoring, im not sure what building but its 3rd floor

we actually had one new guy who took a job elsewhere so we have another spot open

3/22/2009 1:13:19 AM

All American
17209 Posts
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^^there's so much business jargon, that shit's painful to read

3/22/2009 1:38:37 AM

All American
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3/22/2009 2:24:39 AM

All American
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I think I had a recruiter contact me about that one.

3/23/2009 3:51:25 PM

All American
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^^^^ if that was any more generic it would just "you do engineering stuff". but probably for a mech or civil since it did say FE needed.

3/23/2009 4:13:34 PM

Deucefest '04
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hoping to hear from a temp agency this week. one job would be $9/hr , but the other agency might have one that would be $12/hr

3/24/2009 9:05:54 PM

All American
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May not end up having that geotech job I thought I had lined up.

I contacted them a week after they asked if I would be interested in another offer (I told them to give me one week up to two weeks to figure out if I could work for them), and they didn't seem interested in making an offer until they "evaluated potential candidates". Next week is supposedly when I will hear back about that. To me this means they have people with more experience willing to work at an entry level pay grade and are figuring out whether the other party is actually interested.

So the offer may get sold out right from under me after they said they really wanted to hire me and wanted to make a better third offer (first and second were in early february).

It's a shame, I wish I didn't have to chase people down as hard to get an answer from the navy that they had a hiring freeze put on, cause then I wouldn't be facing this problem right now.

Hope you all have more straightforward and promising news heading your way.

3/25/2009 3:27:18 AM

All American
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my boss no longer has a job

3/25/2009 4:23:57 AM

All American
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Also, my dad referred me to this website a little while back:

I've applied to a couple things there and not heard back, but I noticed it had a lot of stuff listed. At the very least, it gives you another place to look for temporary employment. Though, at this point, looks like temporary might mean about one year at least.

3/25/2009 3:49:47 PM

All American
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monster's 'keep america working' tour is coming to the north raleigh Hilton on 3/31/09

3/25/2009 4:48:47 PM

All American
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^ expect at at least 5,000 people there.

3/25/2009 5:48:19 PM

All American
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have you been to one before? do you need to be there exactly when it starts or can you show up anytime? is it worth going?

3/25/2009 5:52:31 PM

All American
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That's quite as big a list as I thought I was going to see there.


3/25/2009 7:29:10 PM

All American
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i worked this entire week so far.


3/25/2009 7:29:53 PM

All American
1791 Posts
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how is everyone doing on employment? Is it still just as hard as 2 months ago? I am very curious, I have a few friends looking and I'd like to give them a little hope in their search.

3/25/2009 8:15:23 PM

All American
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Local market is crap for Civil Engineers with little experience such as myself.

If this company doesn't offer me that position next week that they were going to offer me, I'll probably end up having to move several states away from here to find a position. The army corps of engineers is hiring all over the country, I just have to brush up my resume proper to meet some of their unique requirements (really detailed education info and job info).

I'll also probably update my account because that tends to get you a number of phone calls from head hunters. Head hunters suck, but if I find an interested company and can negotiate a relocation package I'll go most anywhere as long as it isn't a total shithole (like St. Louis or something).

3/25/2009 10:08:23 PM

Fail Boat
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^^ It seems to be thawing a little but I still see quite a few jobs posted now that have been posted for many weeks (I'm EE/CPE with 6 years in semi industry) leading me to believe that those companies know they want to fill slots but are on hiring freezes of some sort.

I finally got someone to talk to me and have my first interview on Friday since I found out last October that my employment was coming to an end this January. I've been fairly diligent about applying to jobs I think I am reasonably qualified for (I'd say 15 or so) since then and the only response I got from anyone was a "we looked at your credentials and were impressed but we chose someone else".

3/25/2009 10:14:02 PM

All American
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^^^when did you get a job?

3/25/2009 10:22:57 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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Quote :
"how is everyone doing on employment? Is it still just as hard as 2 months ago? I am very curious, I have a few friends looking and I'd like to give them a little hope in their search."

There's no hope. Give up now. Shoot your friend in the face to get them out of their misery.

Seriously, the past two weeks have been very bereft of job openings.

3/25/2009 11:45:21 PM

Duke is puke
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Just saw the recruiter from one of the companies I had a final interview with a couple weeks ago, and she got laid off. I'm not really going to depend on that offer coming anytime soon.

I've called the unemployment office (using Skype for 800 numbers ftw) and they said I can start filing next week, so that'll be $500 a week for the time being.

Applying to lots of places and hearing back some times. Just a lot of people out there applying for jobs, pretty much need to know someone or someone who knows someone to get your foot in the door.

3/26/2009 8:39:12 AM

All American
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Finally got my resume the way I like it. I've got about seven job openings that I like that have been posted either at the beginning of March, or just a few days ago. Nike, Under Armour, North Face, Intertek and 3 technical job placement agencies (Aerotek for example).

Then, two OTHER companies have put interview schedules and request for resumes on our Permanent Employment board. Will apply to all tonight I'm excited! First job after graduation - be nice to have it lined up before I graduate.

My industry is still hiring. Woot!

3/26/2009 10:25:34 AM

All American
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for those of you that are getting unemployment, can you take a month vacation while you're on unemployment?

3/26/2009 10:27:42 AM

All American
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Haha, that sounds like the sort of "outrage" you'd hear popping up on the afternoon news.

I imagine if you can prove you were seeking employment during that time it doesn't matter what you're doing or where you're at as long as it's not somewhere conspicuous. You know, don't be applying to jobs in Barbados or anything.

3/26/2009 10:36:39 AM

All American
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how do you "prove you're seeking employment"? sending them an email of the jobs you've applied to?

3/26/2009 10:45:13 AM

All American
13936 Posts
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^^^ what do you mean?
you can do whatever you want, as long as you answer "the 5 questions" truthfully, which include "are you looking for work", "did you refuse work", "were you available for work", etc

If you have the "correct" answer for these questions while you're on vacation, then yeah, you can still get benefits.

First off, technically, they have no way to really follow up on your answers.
And second off, I assume even if you are on vacation, but were offered a job that started next week, you would come back immediately and take the job.

^ if you file on paper or in person, you have to have proof of an application, like print out a page where you submitted your resume online or something .
if you file online at, then you don't have to prove shit. They just ask you "have you been seeking employment", but they don't request any documentation of it

[Edited on March 26, 2009 at 10:49 AM. Reason : .]

3/26/2009 10:47:52 AM

All American
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sweet, something to do when I'm getting laid off.

3/26/2009 10:51:08 AM

All American
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^^ That's good to know. I might need to apply for these benefits soon. I haven't done it so far because I was pretty sure my unemployment wouldn't be more than a few months and I didn't really want to collect unemployment benefits. Now that I might have just lost every opportunity for employment I had it might be good to have some income to slow the rate at which I lose money (health insurance is ricockulously expensive and so are my meds, even with insurance).

3/26/2009 10:53:36 AM

266 Posts
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Contract job with no benefits and no unemployment = FTL.

3/26/2009 11:33:45 AM

All American
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^^ when you file initially, you can back-claim up to 4 weeks, as long as you still met the requirements for those past 4 weeks.

3/26/2009 12:02:16 PM

All American
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I saw in here a few weeks ago where someone was saying that appealing after being denied hardly ever works out. I just wanted to say that, THANK GOD, they did the phone hearing with a relative of mine and were able to tell the employer's lies from truths, and my relative won the appeal and was given unemployment benefits. What's more; they had to pay back-unemployment for 3 months for the time in between the filing and the hearing.

So, don't be discouraged if your employer denied you unemployment. It's definitely worth it to pursue the appeal. Even if it takes a long time, and you get a job before the hearing - you can still appeal for the time you were unemployed (I believe this is correct).

[Edited on March 26, 2009 at 2:04 PM. Reason : ]

3/26/2009 2:01:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you can do whatever you want, as long as you answer "the 5 questions" truthfully, which include "are you looking for work", "did you refuse work", "were you available for work", etc"

I was really surprised at how easy it is to get unemployment. 5 simple questions a week, and that's all.

The downside is it really doesn't make people go out to look for work... you could just literally sit on a couch for six months collecting unemployment without ever looking for a job. It'd be nice if they at least made you somehow prove that you at least applied for something each week.

3/26/2009 2:08:00 PM

Fail Boat
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Most of us drawing unemployment would rather be in a real job. I know the compensation/benefits I get from doing real work probably amounts to 10x what I get via unemployment.

3/26/2009 2:15:50 PM

All American
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3/26/2009 2:19:39 PM

All American
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OK, maybe somebody can clarify something for me (and possibly anybody else that pops in here).

I employed from late July to Mid-February at an engineering firm as an intern designer, and I worked full time all but two of those months. If I apply in april (late next week), that would mean that the months January through December of 2008 would be the base period, and for two quarters of that year I have to have earned some money in order to qualify for unemployment benefits. So, since I worked in the last two quarters, I would qualify? I was more or less "laid off" because a co-op came back and they didn't have a position available for me at the company, so that also meets the requirements that I lost the job through no fault of my own, right?

I'm just wary because when I use their little online "estimate your benefits" app, it says I'm eligible for $0. Of course it also says your benefits can't be determined until you apply.

[Edited on March 26, 2009 at 2:43 PM. Reason : I hope to god I don't have to file for this.]

3/26/2009 2:43:09 PM

All American
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i'm not sure if intern or co-op positions really count....

and i think there might be rules like you have to work more than 1 year solid full-time to be eligible

[Edited on March 26, 2009 at 3:10 PM. Reason : .]

3/26/2009 3:02:48 PM

All American
22025 Posts
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[Edited on March 26, 2009 at 3:11 PM. Reason : ]

3/26/2009 3:11:03 PM

All American
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^^ Maybe, but I was framing my questions around this from the ESC website:

Quote :
"How long must I have worked to qualify for unemployment benefits? How much will my benefits be?
“Base period” is the term used to define the time frame used as the basis for determining whether or not you will be monetarily eligible for unemployment. It is normally the first four of the last five calendar quarters. You must have wages in two of the base period quarters to be monetarily eligible. Your weekly benefit amount and the number of weeks of entitlement to benefits are based on the wages you were paid and amount of time you worked during your base period. The exact amount of benefits and the duration of those benefits cannot be determined until you actually file your claim for benefits."

That's a little vague, but makes it sound like I would qualify. Thoughts?

As far as discerning between co-op/intern work and any other job, I believe they normally wouldn't count because you will not have worked enough, and/or as a full time student you won't qualify. That's why I'm asking. It also gives me something else to think about while praying that the other candidates that they had apply for this job aren't better qualified than me for the position.

[Edited on March 26, 2009 at 3:39 PM. Reason : \/ Sorry to hear that.]

3/26/2009 3:23:28 PM

All American
1372 Posts
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I was just informed that I will be layed off at the end of april when my project is complete.

Construction FTL

3/26/2009 3:34:31 PM

All American
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Any of you old enough to have your PE in civil engineering yet?

3/26/2009 4:07:15 PM

All American
34244 Posts
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Quote :
"That's a little vague, but makes it sound like I would qualify. "

6 mos of working makes you eligible.

3/26/2009 4:20:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Definitely aren't hiring though, well with exception to one asshat that never came in and it was mission critical."

Sorry man, got a better offer.

3/26/2009 4:23:34 PM

All American
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Quote :
"6 mos of working makes you eligible."

My store was closed and everyone lost their jobs 5 and a half months after I started. I've been looking for another job ever since with no luck. Guess I don't qualify.

3/26/2009 4:38:25 PM

Thots and Prayers
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^ Plus, I would think that your politics would make you refuse to take a government handout anyway.

3/26/2009 4:42:03 PM

All American
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^^ A company did that to my oldest brother. Fired him two weeks before he would've qualified for unemployment and would've been offered a salaried position. He didn't really do anything to deserve it either, so we suspect it was just a tactic by those guys to keep costs low.

At the very least you can call up the unemployment folks and ask just to make sure you don't qualify.

[Edited on March 26, 2009 at 4:42 PM. Reason : peenhat]

3/26/2009 4:42:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Plus, I would think that your politics would make you refuse to take a government handout anyway."

It's just getting the money back you put into the system in the first place. So I'd take it if I qualified, I will probably call them tomorrow.

3/26/2009 4:45:28 PM

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